Our Senses

What part of your eye lets light in?

A) The Optic Nerve

B) The Pupil

C) Eye Lashes

The Pupil


What part of the body do we use in hearing?

A) The Eyes

B) The Ears

C) The Feet

The Ears


What are the five senses?

A) Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Salty, Umami

B) Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch

C) Hard, Soft, Cold, Hot, Normal

Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch


Name two of the five flavors your tongue can detect?

A) Salty

B) Bitter

C) Sour

D) All of the Above

All of the Above: Sweet, Salty, Bitter, Sour, Umami


What part of your nose does the smell reach first?

A) The Nostrils

B) The Nose Hairs

C) The Sinus Cavities

The Nostrils


What is the colorful part of your eye?

A) The Iris

B) The Tear Duct

C) The White Part

The Iris


What part of the ear does sound first travel through?

A) The Ear Drum

B) The Ear Canal

C) The Ear Bones

The Ear Canal


What is the long, flexible body part that is protected by the spine that connects the brain to the rest of your body?

A) The Back Bone

B) The Skin

C) The Spinal Cord

The Spinal Cord


What other sense besides taste do we use to to taste?

A) Hearing

B) Smell

C) Sight



What is the passage way that a smell enters in the nose?

A) The Nasal Cavity

B) The Sinus Cavity

C) The Middle Nose

The Nasal Cavity


What part of the eye sends the electrical signals to the brain?

A) The Iris

B) The Optic Nerve

C) Tears

The Optic nerve


What part of the ear vibrates?

A) The Ear Hair

B) The Ear Drum

C) All of it

The Ear Drum


What is a sense organ?

A) A body part that collects information from outside of your body.

B) A body part that collects information from inside of your body.

C) A body part that does not collect information from outside of your body.

A body part that collects information from outside of your body.


What are tiny holes in your taste buds called?

A) Saliva Glands

B) Taste Pores

C) Tongue Holes

Taste Pores


What organ do we use to smell?

A) The Eyes

B) The Mouth

C) The Nose

The Nose


What organ is used for sight?

A) The Hands

B) The Brain

C) The Eyes

The Eyes


What part of the ear contains fluid?

A) The Outer Ear

B) The Middle Ear

C) The Inner Ear

The Inner Ear (The Colchea)


What is the amount of time it takes your body to respond to information from the senses?

A) Lightspeed

B) Reaction Time

C) Half Time

Reaction Time


What part of the tongue detects flavor?

A) The Taste Buds

B) The Teeth

C) The Saliva

The Taste Buds


 What is the name of the part of your nose that sends signals to the brain?

A) The Spinal Cord

B) The Olfactory Nerve

C) The Optic Nerve

The Olfactory Nerve


What are two things that the eyelid does?

A) Keeps Out Light

B) Keeps Out Dust

C) Protects the Eye

D) All of the Above

All of the Above: It keeps out light, keeps out dust, protects the eye


What connects your ear to your brain?

A) The Auditory Nerve

B) The Optic Nerve

C) The Spinal Cord

The Auditory Nerve


Yes or No: All parts of the skin have the same level of sensitivity?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Maybe

No, they don't have the same level of nerves. Such as your elbows or knees.


What are the bumps on your tongue are called?

A) Goose Bumps

B) Taste Buds

C) Papillae



How does a smell get to your nose?

A) Molecules in the Air

B) Your Brain creates the scents

C) You Sniff

Molecules in the Air


What part of the eye changes light into electrical signals?

A) The Retina

B) The Iris

C) The Pupil

The Retina


Do you have bones inside your ears?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Maybe

Yes, there are 3 different bones.


Yes or No: Is your skin an organ?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Maybe

Yes, it's the organ that is use for touch.


What is Umami?

A) One type of disease around the world

B) One of the five basic tastes

C) A type of sushi dish

Umami or savoriness is one of the five basic tastes. It has been described as savory and is characteristic of broths and cooked meats.


What part of your nose detects different kinds of smells?

A) The Smell Glands

B) The Sinuses

C) Olfactory Receptors

Olfactory Receptors
