The cell wall part
What is in plant cells and not in animal cells?
The body part that you walk on
What is feet?
Grows from your head
What is hair?
The color of blood
What is the color red?
Something viruses have to have
What is the host cell?
The brain of the cell
what is the nucleus?
The three types of muscles
What are Skeletal, cardiac and smooth?
Cutting several different lengths into the hair
what is the hairstyle layered?
The substance that stimulates the formation of white blood cells
What are colony stimulating factors?
Virulent viruses reproduce by
what is the lytic cycle?
Responsible for the chemical energy needed for the cell to function
What is Mitochondria?
Two bones make up the lower arm, between the elbow and wrist
What is Ulna and radius?
The hair's ability to stretch and bend without breaking
What is Elasticity?
The protein found in blood that is responsible for transporting oxygen
what is Hemoglobin?
Viral DNA that is incorporated into a host cell's chromosome
What is provirus?
Breaking down used organelles and essentially "digesting" substances
what are Lysosomes?
The fluid that protects joints, as most joints are comprised of two imperfectly connected bones
what is the synovia or synovial fluid?
Small hairpiece to cover partial baldness
What is a toupee?
The proteins of the blood are formed by
What is liver?
The outside, protein coat on a virus
what is capsid?
Packaging and transporting substances made in the cell
What is Golgi apparatus? (aka Golgi body)
The muscle called the trapezius is found
What is the Base of the skull?
The measure of the hair's ability to absorb product or hair color
what is porosity?
characteristic of platelets makes them well suited for their function
What is sticky (blood)
Viruses that contain RNA instead of DNA
What are retroviruses?