Bodily Changes and Emotions
Emotion Regulation & Appraisal
Brain Mechanisms
Development of Emotions in Childhood
Emotions in Social Relationships

This neuropeptide increases empathy and generosity



The three specific emotion regulation strategies that Bonanno names in their 2013 paper

- Distraction

- Reappraisal

- Suppression


This brain region processes emotional stimuli, differentiates threat, and registers novelty (among other things)



What's the first social emotional signal that babies use?

Crying - Crying occurs in very young infants, really from the first moment of life in response to a wide range of elicitors.

It's used to give important and annoying signals to caregivers

Also would accept Smile! -- as first emotion is happiness - crying is a signal that parent's emotions respond to


What is the purpose of gratitude?

Michael McCullough, Robert Emmons, and Joanne Tsang (2001) reason that gratitude is a moral emotion, one that provides glue to cooperative social living in three different ways. First, gratitude serves as a barometer; it helps us keep track of which friends are generous and which are not. It is much like the grooming between nonhuman primates; our feelings of gratitude track who is cooperative with us, and who is not.
Second, gratitude motivates altruistic behavior. It produces the generosity, the favors, the expressions of appreciation, which are critical to long‐term commitments among friends


The neurotransmitter dopamine is related to what temperamental trait? 



This emotion regulation strategy can make people more likely to favor conciliatory practices.

Cognitive change (reappraisal/acceptance) 


This region can down-regulate automatic threat responses

Prefrontal cortex


What are three examples of pro-social behaviors which are reliably observed between 18-24 months?

During this period of development, three types of prosocial behavior are reliably observed: (1) offering instrumental help, (2) offering comfort, and (3) sharing resources. Children provide instrumental help by 18 months. 

Warneken and Tomasello (2006) have shown that at this age toddlers offer spontaneous instrumental help even when they gain nothing from the action


Refers to the ontogenic predisposition to respond in emotionally specific ways. 



People show a profound tendency to spontaneously and often unconsciously mimic the emotional behavior of others. What is this called?

 Embodied Empathy 


Feeling disgusted at the sight of a cockroach crawling in your food is an example of which stage of appraisal?

Lazarus' Primary appraisal (or system 1, automatic evaluation)


This brain region is sensitive to potential rewards and is associated with goal-oriented behaviors, contentment and pleasure.

Nucleus accumbens


At what age to children tend to start talking about emotions and desires?

Children start talking about emotions and desires at around 18 months, and the proportion of time they spend doing this gradually increases with age. By two years, children use the emotion words “happy”, “sad,” “mad,” and “scared” (Wellman, Harris, Banerjee, & Sinclair, 1995). Although they mainly talk about their own feelings at this age, they also attribute emotions to other people.


This is an emotional state / behavior that predicts unfavorable relationship outcomes, such as breakups.



Social support has shown to lower baseline levels of ______________.

Cortisol, a hormone that is the product of an activated HPA axis


The five stages in James Gross' emotion regualtion process model

- Situation Selection

- Situation Modification

- Attentional Deployment

- Cognitive Change

- Response Modulation


This brain structure is located in the center of the brain and serves as a central hub for information flow in the brain, making it essential for coordinating responses across the brain



In what order (and when) do babies tend to start expressing these emotions:

Anger, Fear, Happy, Sad, Surprise

Happy (2 months)

Sad (3 months)

Anger (4 months)

Fear (7 months)

Surprise (12 months)

Check out figure 8.7 in the textbook for a summary timeline of developmental progression of emotional expressions.


Emotions that we feel when around other group members

Collective emotions


Friendly touch increases activation in the_____.

Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)

...a region involved in integrating rewards, emotions, and social information


According to Bonanno (2013), the fact that many individuals tend to benefit from reappraisal, while many tend to experience worse outcomes from suppression is an example of what fallacy?

Uniform Efficacy


This region plays a critical role in modulating harm as well as empathic pain, and has been found to play a role in bonding and attachment

Periaqueductal gray


Describe Theory of Mind (bonus points for when children usually develop this skill or an example of emotions that require theory of mind)

The ability to understand oneself and others in terms of mental states (emotions, desires, and beliefs)

Usually developed between 3-4 years old. Ex. Shame, pride, guilt


Finkel et al., (2014) suggests that three principles hold relationships together.

Responsiveness, resolution, and maintenance
