The location of a place relative to its surrounding.
What is situation?
An African country like Angola is among the least powerful countries and therefore often marginalized or under the control of more economically powerful countries. That is, it is part of what domain of the world system?
What is the periphery?
Factors like weather, climate, access to water, soil fertility, trade patterns, and the local dominant religion can impact this measure of population.
What is population density?
When an Irish immigrant joins his brothers in New York for a year before moving to California, he is participating in this form of migration.
What is step migration?
Concepts such as the crude birth/death rate, total fertility rate, infant mortality rate, and life expectancy are used to describe this.
What is population dynamics?
The spread of music styles from centers of music production is an example of this.
What is hierarchical diffusion?
The primary sector of an economy is where what economic activities happen?
What is resource extraction, fishing, farming, forestry, and/or mining?
Improvements in sanitation, nutrition, medicine, and public health can lower this measure of population dynamics.
What is the death rate?
A short term work visa is given to someone we would consider a what?
What is a guest worker?
Metes and bounds and the US Public Land Survey are examples of two different systems of what?
What is relative location?
Tobler’s assertion that “near things are more related than far things” is a statement of this geographical phenomenon.
What is distance decay?
What is friction of distance?
The dense network of railroads linking English cities from early in the Industrial Revolution is emblematic of what key process shaping the world system?
What is the intensification of the periphery?
This point of view argues that there is a limited number of resources on the Earth that is not enough to sustain the growing human population.
What is (neo) Malthusianism?
War, crime, political change, and environmental degradation are examples of what?
What is a push factor?
According to world systems theory, mini-systems emerged in response to what major technological change?
What is the first agricultural revolution?
The anti-Catholic sentiment directed toward Irish immigrants to the US can be understood as a reaction against what fundamental spatial concept?
What is contagion diffusion?
Linked to soil erosion, labor productive and other phenomena, this pervasive pattern in human endeavor spurred the expansion of world empires.
What is the law of diminishing returns?
In industrialized countries like the US, increased access to education and birth control means more women of child-bearing age are waiting longer to have children. What measure can you use to capture this dynamic?
What is the total fertility rate?
What do we call someone who is forced to move, but who does not cross a political boundary?
What is an internally displaced person?
As a guestworker earning wages in a more powerful currency than that of your home country, you are sure to send money home every payday. These funds are known as what?
What are remittances?
If you are planning a vacation after this class to the Florida Keys, but you end up going to Tybee Island (coastal Georgia) instead, what geographical concept characterizes Tybee?
What is an intervening opportunity?
Merchant capitalism is premised on this key assumption about wealth.
What is finite-ness?
What is finite worldwide wealth?
What concept is summarized in the following quote: “The structure of the present controls the content of the future.”
What is momentum?
The Trail of Tears is an example of what kind(s) of migration?
What is a forced/involuntary internal migration?
South Africa is experiencing industrialization; their death rate is falling while their birth rate remains stable. What demographic transition phase are they experiencing?