Space vs. Place
Space - the physical amount of land
Place - a specific piece of land distinguished by particular characters
4 main regions of the world's population
1. East Asia
2. South Asia
3. Southeast Asia
4. Europe
migration TO a location
Pop Culture
culture found in large, heterogenous, societies that share habits despite personal characteristics
Lingua Franca
a universal language understood globally
Formal, Vernacular, Functional
Formal - defined borders
Vernacular - perceptual (a part of someone's cultural identity)
Functional - area organized around a node / center
CBR - crude birth rate
CDR - crude death rate
NIR - natural increase rate
TFR - total fertility rate
IMR - infant mortality rate
ZPG - zero population growth
migration FROM a location
Folk Culture
culture traditionally practiced by small, homogenous, groups living in isolated rural areas
Top 3 language famalies
1. Indo-European
2. Sino-Tibetian
3. Niger-Congo
Environmental Determinism vs. Possiblism
Environmental Determinism - physical environment causes development
Possiblism - humans cause development more than enviorment
Stages of the Demographic Transition Model
1. High stationary
2. Early expanding
3. Late expanding
4. Low stationary
5. Declining
InTERregional vs. InTRAregional
InTERregional - move from one region to another w/in a country
InTRAregional - move w/in one region w/in one country
4 types of Pop Culture Distribution
- Housing
- Clothes
- Food preference
- Television / Internet
a regional variation of a language distinguishes by a distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation
3 Densities
Arithmetic - total number of people / area
Physiological - total number of people / arable land
Agricultural - farmers / arable land
Stages of Epidemiologic Transition Model
1. Famine
2. Pandemic
3. Degenerative disease
4. Delayed degenerative disease
5. Re-emergence of the pandemic
4 Push / Pull factors
1. economic
2. demographical/social
3. political
4. enviormental
Acculturation and Assimiltion
Acculturation - Adjusting to a new culture
Assimilation - Fully giving up a culture and taking on a new one
Language family
a collection of languages related through a common ancestor that existed long before recorded history
Relocation vs. Expansion
Relocation - physical movement
Expansion - Hierarchical, Contagious, Stimulus
Thomas Malthus
Population grows faster than the food supply
Ravensteins Law - migrant characteristics
- long-distance migrants are male
- long-distance migrants are adults rather than families with children
Pop Culture Environmental Impact
- environment gets modified (golf course)
- uniform landscapes (highways)
- increase in need for natural resources (fast fashion)
Why preserve a language?
preserve language diversity and to promote self-identity