The main line of latitude that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres
What is the Equator
The most populous country in the world
What is India
Where practicing Christians go to worship
What is a church
The capital of Spain
What is Madrid
This type of projection makes Greenland appear much larger than it actually is.
What is the Mercator projection
The largest country in terms of area
What is Russia
The most widely spoken first language in the world
What is Mandarin
Relating to a city (the opposite of Rural)
What is Urban
The line of longitude that separates the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres
What is the Prime Meridian
This European country is often said to look like a boot
What is Italy
Currently, the most-used language on the internet
What is English
London and New York are both classified as this type of city
What is an alpha city
A collection of maps, often compiled into a book, of sorts.
What is an atlas
The country in South America with the shortest name, only 4 letters
What is Peru
A country known for its love of tea, football, and the monarchy
What is the United Kingdom
A 3-letter acronym for the "heart" of the city
What is CBD
All maps create these - changes to the size or shape of a place on Earth
Located in the Middle East, it's the only country that starts with a "Q"
What is Qatar
It is taking the clothing, hair style, food, or other aspect of another group for your own personal gain
What is cultural appropriation
A layout model for a city that has an area completely wrapped around another area, and so on.
What is the Concentric Circle Model