Expanded Info
Fetal Development by Weeks
Development of Toddlers

What was Sigmund Freud´s belief?

Freud´s belief is the conscious is when you´re awake; preconscious are things you are aware of or want; unconscious are things we´re unaware of.


Weeks 0 to 3: What begins to happen?

The egg is fertilized and descends from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Early cell division happens and the zygote become the embryo. The embryo attaches to the uterine wall.


Motor skills: How many months do babies usually start sitting upright without help and can start being mobile?

By 12 months babies are sitting upright with no help and can start being mobile


What percent of children have some form of autism?

15% of children have some form of autism.


What is the ¨Id¨ needs?

The Id has both normal physical needs and more aggressive needs.


Week 6: What begins to happen?

Brain waves can be detected by week 6. Stomach and heart are beginning to develop from what looks like bulges in their chest. Tiny eyes are starting to also develop but are covered.


Oral and language skills: By what month can toddlers begin using cups instead of bottles?

By 12 months toddlers can begin using cups instead of bottles.


How much likely is ASD in males than females?

ASD is 4 times more likely in males than females.


What is the Ego?

The Ego develops during infancy and its main job is to control the Id.


Weeks 19-22:What begins to happen?

Hair appears on the the scalp for the first time. Spine becomes more straight. Spontaneous movement increases. Movements may be felt by mom. By 21 weeks fetus is around 19 centimeters.


Oral and language skills: What can toddlers begin to eat?

Toddlers can also begin to eat more solid foods like eggs, soft vegetables, and fruits.


Is there a cure for autism?

There is no cure for autism.


What is the SuperEgo?

The SuperEgo develops in childhood and insures moral standards.


Weeks 23-29:What begins to happen?

Eyes are completely formed and will ope  around 24 weeks. Taste buds appear on tongue. Hair on head and body is growing. Fetus may begin to cry, breathe, swallow and suck thumb. Fetus is viable at this stage. Meaning could live independently. Fetus is 27.5cm and weighs 1500g


Social Skills? What is good for toddlers and parents to do?

Toddlers can also begin to clap so cheering them on or having them cheer is also fun for them.  


How is down syndrome caused?

Down syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome in the trisomy 21.


What is Erikson's fifth stage?

Erikson's fifth stage is to develop a sense of self, and to struggle with questions such as, Ẅho am I? & What do I want to do with my life?


Weeks 36 to full term:What begins to happen?

Fat is still rapidly accumulating at rate of 14g per day. Fetus will be preparing to no longer need the placenta. Full term fetus normally weigh around 7 1/2lbs and around 14 inches long.


Social skills? What can be a good outdoor activity for toddlers?

Once your baby can walk well, exploring playgrounds and parks become fun activities for your baby.


How is cerebral palsy caused?

Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the brain in the utero or during birth
