Child learns in an unplanned way by observing and understanding the results of accidental actions.
What is incidental learning?
Disorder that involves lack of attention and extremely active behavior that exceeds a typical high energy level.
The percentage of children that live in food insecure households.
What is 12.5%?
Specific anxiety that interferes with a child’s ability to achieve goals or enjoy life.
What is an Anxiety Disorder?
What is Bing Bong.
The child learns skills and behaviors by watching and mimicking others.
What is imitative learning?
Learning disorder that affects a child’s ability to read, write, and spell.
What is Developmental Dyslexia?
Diets that supply an excess, shortage, or imbalance of calories or one or more nutrients.
What is Malnutrition?
An educational plan tailored to the specific educational needs of a child who has special needs, or is differently abled, who is between 3 and 21 years.
What is an Individualized Education Plan or an IEP?
The daily exercise recommendation for school age children.
What is one hour a day?
The child tries several solutions to a problem before finding one that works.
What is trial and error?
Behavioral disorder involving aggressive behaviors that are not provoked and worsen over time.
What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder or ODD?
Occurs when some food is being eaten, but is continuously lacking one or more nutrients.
Learning disorder that affects a child’s mathematical abilities.
What is Development Dyscalculia?
The correlation that the ACE's test looks for.
What is how childhood adversity can lead to later in life health outcomes?
The child is taught a skill or behavior in either a formal or informal way.
Condition in which a child’s intellectual abilities are a year or more delayed when compared with other children the same age.
What is an intellectual Disability?
The ages at which girls and boys respectively hit their peak of growth spurts.
What is 12 years of age for girls and 14 for boys?
The ongoing intake of more calories than is needed for good health.
What is Overnutrition?
The revelation Joy comes to at the end of Inside Out.
What is that Sadness is a necessary emotion to fully feel the full range of emotions?
The percentage of a child's brain that is developed before they step foot into a classroom.
What is 90%?
General term used to describe complex communication, social, and behavioral developmental disabilities.
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD?
The food groups and their respective recommended daily intakes.
Grains: 3oz.
Vegetables: 2 1/2 cups.
Fruits: 1 1/2 cups.
Dairy: 3 cups.
Protein: 5 oz.
Challenge in spoken or written language, math, or spatial orientation.
What is a Learning Disorder?
Super Nanny's Time-Out Technique.
What is give:
1. Give a warning first.
2. If that does not work, take to time out and sit them down and walk away.
3. They are in time-out for one minute, for every year old they are.
4. If the get up or talk, restart the timer.
5. Keep doing this until the complete their time, and then when done explain what they did wrong and check for clarification.
6. Hugs and kisses!