Why do people have bones?
Bones give us structure. Or else we would be Jell-o.
What do you call the part of the eye that is blue, green, or brown?
What do you call the part of the eye that changes in size when it is light or dark?
When we used the tube of paper to make a "hole" in our hand, this was an example of what?
Optical illusion
In a vision test, what do we consider to be perfect vision?
What do you call it when a muscle lengthens and shortens?
What is the job of the retina?
The retina is like the movie screen, where images that we see are projected.
What kinds of animals have large pupils so they are able to see in the dark?
Nocturnal animals
What do we call the cords that send messages to the brain?
What do you call the spaces between your finger bones?
How is your thumb different from your other fingers?
Your thumb has three bones and your fingers have four bones.
What do you call the part of the eye that sends the images that we see to our brain?
Optic nerve
What causes humans' eyes to look red when their picture is taken?
Blood vessels in the back of the eye
What are the five senses that your sensory nerves control?
Why is your wrist made up of so many bones?
It is more complex, and can move in more than one direction.
When your brain signals your arm to move, in which order would the tendon, muscle, and bone react to make your arm move?
If the image you see on the retina is blurry and fuzzy, what part of the eye could you move back and forth to make the image crisp and clear with 20/20 vision?
Cornea lens
If you used your eye model in a dark room. Would it work as well? Why or why not?
The eye model won’t work as well because there won’t be as much light to illuminate objects.
True or false. There are nerves for all of your senses.
Why do the images that we see on the retina appear to be upside down?
The lens flips them around, but our brain turns them right side up when we see them.
Shelly has an idea for a new superhero that she’s calling “The Muscle.” Shelly tells you:
“The Muscle doesn’t have a skeletal system - they have no bones! Because they don’t have any bones to get in the way, The Muscle is super strong. When The Muscle meets supervillains, they always win the battle and survive.”
Do you agree with Shelly that The Muscle would be a strong superhero?
Muscles and bones work together as a system to give our bodies strength. Without bones, the muscles would not work and we would not be very strong.
Jacob wants to make an eye model. He has a magnifying lens, a flashlight, a piece of paper, and a picture of an eye. How should Jacob arrange these objects to make an eye model?
Clue: In a real eye, light travels through the corneal lens, goes through the pupil, and reaches the retina at the back of the eye
Flashlight, Magnifying Lens, Eye, Paper
Why does it take a while for your eyes to adjust in the middle of the night if you turn the lights on and off again?
Your pupil has to change size to accommodate the amount of light in the room.
Starting with your sense of touch and ending with you moving your hand, how do your senses react to touching a hot stove?
You feel something hot
Your nerves send a signal to your brain
Your brain sends a signal to your hand to move it away
In the robot hand model, what part represented the muscle?
Your muscles were pulling on the strings, so your muscles were the ones used in the model.