Corn (maize), wheat, and rice.
What are the main sources of nutrition globally?
The grain, originally used in Mexico, which produced large yields, and delivered the nation from starvation to self-sufficiency.
What is Miracle Wheat?
Farming that avoids the use of synthetic chemicals and unnatural methods.
What is organic farming?
Much higher yields and resistance to pests and diseases.
What are the benefits of genetic modification?
This portion of energy is transferred between trophic levels.
What is 10%?
What is meat?
The Neolithic, British and Green Revolutions.
What are the agricultural revolutions?
Agriculture that takes place in heavily populated areas.
Increased resistance to chemical agents in pests.
What is a negative impact of overreliance on pesticides?
The name of the genetically modified rice created in Asia, with the purpose of being more pest-resistant and more efficient.
What is "golden rice"?
The reason that there exists disparity in access to food, despite there existing more than enough food to feed the world.
What is poverty?
The agricultural method which was made nearly obsolete upon the invention of CRISPR and other genetic modification tools.
What is selective breeding?
Growing crops together, without any specific sectioning for certain plants.
What is intercropping?
A species of plant which, because of genetic modification, requires increased use of fertilizers to maintain high yields.
What is a "high responder"?
Seafood is the main source of protein for this many people around the world.
What is 1.5 billion?
The nutrient that composes most of your DNA and muscles.
What is protein?
The main innovation associated with the Neolithic Revolution.
What is the beginning of agriculture and farming?
The largest and most profitable industry based on catching and selling wildlife.
What is fishing?
Problems with food production in relation to population management.
What is the matching of food production with population growth?
The study of the science and technology of food production.
What is agronomy?
Provides long-term energy and controls the hormones in someone's body.
What are carbohydrates?
The man who is credited for beginning the Green Revolution in Mexico.
Who is Norman Borlaug?
Raising plants in air or mist, as opposed to traditional soil.
What is aeroponics?
Some of the issues with GMOs related to economic disparity.
What are the practice of patenting seeds and the necessity of fertilizers for high yields?
Professor at Texas A&M University.
What position did Borlaug hold until his death in 2009?