Changing Population Trends
Managing Development & Popution Growth
Demographic Diversity
Demographic changes
The study of human populations is called:
What is Democracy? What is Populacy? What is Demography? What is Humanity?
All of the following are considered part of a communities infrastructure except:
power plants restaurants public water supplies schools
All of the following are approved strategies to limit population growth except:
a. family planning b. advertising c. economic incentives d. forced sterilization e. legal punishments
Demographers categorize countries as either ___________ or __________ countries? (answer before showing answer)
What is developing or developed
A model that describes how economic and social changes affect population growth rates.
What is demographic transition? What is demographic diversity? What is demographic growth trend analysis?
Exponential population growth during the 1800's was primarily due to which two of the following: a. increased food production b. better shelter/housing c. improved hygiene d. availability of education
a and c
These are the three resources most critically affected by rapid population growth.
What are coal, water, and lumber? What are land, fossil fuels, and water? What are vegetation, water, and land? What are candy, popcorn, and pop?
True or False. In 1994, the United Nations held the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) where debates occurred about the relationships between population, development, and the environment. (Don't click until answer given)
"Least developed countries" are or have all of the following except:
a. have high birth rates b. are specifically identified by the United Nations c. are given priority for foreign aid and development programs d. are not allowed membership in the United Nations
In this stage of the demographic transition, a society is in a preindustrial condition. The birth rate and death rate are both at high levels and the poputation size is stable.
What is Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, or Stage 4?
A population pyramid is used to measure? a. The social stata of a population b. The age structure of a population c. A population's progress toward stabilizing growth rates d. The mental age of teenagers.
The following may be problems associated with a lack of infrastructure in an area of growing population?
a. Whole areas are cleared of vegetation as people search for fuelwood. b. The same water is used for drinking, bathing, washing, and sewage. c. Dysentary, typhoid, and cholera become problems. d. All of the above.
Improving the status and education of women, especially in developing countries, results in:
a. higher fertility rates b. lower fertility rates c. lower mortality rates d. higher population growth rates
Most of the world's population is located in:
What is India? What is North America? What is Asia? What is Africa?
Stage 2 of demographic transition is marked primarily by this
What is a decrease in population growth? What is a population explosion? What is increased death rates among children? What is improved hygiene?
The percentage of members of a group that are likely to survive to any given age. (don't click til answer given)
What is survivorship?
The movement of people from rural areas to cities. (answer before clicking)
What is urbanization?
Demographers predict that by 2050: a. fertility rates will will equal replacement rates b. the planets population will be unsustainable c. world population growth will decline d. least developed countries will impload
What is the projected world population for 2050?
a. 8.8 billion b. 5 billion c. 7.5 billion d. 6 billion
How many stages are there in the demographic transition model?
What is 2? What is 4? What is 5? What is 3?
The number of babies born each year per 1,000 women in a population. (don't click til answer given)
What is the Fertility Rate
A shortage of arable land results from:
a. surburban sprawl b. urbanization c. desertification d. a&b e.all of the above
The best predictor of life expectancy is: a. fertility rate b. infant mortality rate c. replacement rate d. immigration rate
What is infant mortality rate
Low birth rates, low death rates, good education, and strong economies are indicative of:
a. least developed countries b. developed countries c. developing countries d. stage 2 population growth
Stage 4 of demographic transition is marked by:
What is birth rates above replacement levels? What is birth rates below replacement levels? What is mortality rates in excess of birth rates? What is explosion of population growth rates?