Recruitment & Selection
Onboarding, Training, Development
Rewarding Employees

Unlike Training, which prepares an employee for the role they currently have, this prepares an employee for a future role with greater responsibility. 

What is development?


Differing from a job description, this document is used to advertise the job. 

What is a job posting?


In your textbook, this is the first strategic reason to do onboarding properly. 

What is reducing employee turnover?

This approach is the dominant approach to determining what to provide an employee in exchange for them working for a business. 

What is the Total Compensation Model?

The result of a process called collective bargaining, this contract outlines the terms and conditions of employment for members of a bargaining unit.  

What is the Collective Agreement?


Defined as the authority to make decisions about production, performance, and people. 

What is line authority?

This type of interview lacks the reliability of other types and may overlook key areas of the applicant's skills or background. 

What is an unstructured interview?


This process is identified in Figure 7-2 as taking 12 months long. 

What is the onboarding process at Booz Allen Hamilton Inc?


This guiding principle for how to manage compensation is the first phase in determining base pay. 

What is compensation philosophy?


A complaint registered by an employee or employer that some part of the collective agreement has been violated. 

What is a grievance?


This phrase is used to describe the idea that wages should be the same for all employees in an establishment performing the same kind and amount of work, regardless of individual characteristics not related to ability or performance.

What is "Equal Pay for Equal Work"


One of the advantages of using this approach to recruitment ensures that the hired employee is familiar with the organization and its culture. 

What is Internal Recruitment?


The part of the onboarding journey that is intended to help a new hire "find out what its really like to work here"

What is socialization?

Listed in Figure 9-1 as the fifth component of a Total Compensation Model, this type of compensation rewards an employee with respect, prominence, and recognition. 

What is Status/Recognition?


Preparing for negotiations, negotiating with the Union, and Approving the proposed agreement. 

What are the three phases of negotiating a contract?


This consideration of job design is defined as "the study of relationships between physical attributes of workers and their work environment to reduce physical and mental strain and increase productivity and quality of work life." 

What is ergonomics?


This constraint on the recruitment function is affected by minimum wage laws in different jurisdictions. 

What is "Organizational Policies"? (also accept Compensation Policies)


A tool used in the training and development plan intended to identify gaps in employees knowledge, skills, and abilities. 

What is a needs assessment?


This strategy may be used to determine base pay in a community with a less competitive marketplace for labour. 

What is a lag strategy?


The political side of unionism, this type of unionism seeks to further members interests through influencing political and legal policies of the government. 

What is Social Reform Unionism?


According to Dwight Schrute, this is "a fancy way of saying; bummed out."

What is depression?

This term is used to describe several widely held beliefs that are not true including the idea that conscientiousness is a better indicator of performance than IQ or intelligence. 

What is a selection myth?


According to Kolb, this step in the Learning Cycle involves having an experience. 

What is Concrete Experience? 

According to the textbook, this ethical problem has resulted in a 13% gap in wages between two different demographic groups. 

What is the Gender Wage Gap?


Often referred to as a win-win approach to negotiations, this type of bargaining intends to have both the union and management focus on long-term benefit in their negotiating process. 

What is Mutual Gains Bargaining? 