Employee Relations

A list of prescription drugs that a health insurance plan or pharmacy benefit manager has approved for coverage. It outlines which medications are preferred under the plan and may categorize drugs into different tiers based on cost and clinical effectiveness.

What is a formulary?


A document used by employers in the United States to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the country. It is required by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which is part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

What is Form I-9?


The safety video played during the new hire orientation lasts approximately __ minutes long.

What is 40?


This term describes the process of resolving disputes or issues between employees within an organization.

What is conflict resolution?


Restructure the HR Department to Create Mentoring Opportunities for the Citizen Employees in HR, Including Other Preference Staff Employed in the Department.

Create Opportunities for Citizen Employment, Growth and Success


These are the most common examples of _ __________ ____ _____.

Marriage or Divorce

Birth or adoption of a child

Child reaching the maximum age limit

Death of a spouse or child

You lose coverage under your spouse's plan

You gain access to state coverage under Medicaid or The Children's Health Insurance Program

What is a qualifying life event?


A group of individuals appointed by an organization to participate in the interview and selection process for hiring new employees. This committee typically includes key stakeholders such as hiring managers, department heads, HR professionals, and sometimes other relevant personnel within the organization.

What is an interview committee?


Employees can complete trainings through the _______ software.

What is Succeed?


HR employee relations training often focuses on promoting a positive ____________ environment within the workplace.

What is a collaborative or cooperative environment?


Obtain a Commitment for Town Hall Meetings for Staff, Not Less Than 2x Per Year

Increase Employee Awareness and Transparency through Effective Communication


A specific amount of money that an insured person must pay out of pocket before their insurance company starts to cover costs.

What is a deductible?


The Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians recognizes ______ ________ preference in its hiring and employment policies.

What is Native American?


What department is responsible for providing employees with cultural awareness training?

What is Language & Culture?


These sessions aim to educate employees on their rights and responsibilities regarding workplace behavior and conduct.

What are ethics or code of conduct training sessions?


Establish Partnerships with Local Schools that are Attended by Tribal Citizen Youth.

Create a Robust and Streamlined Recruitment and Onboarding Strategy


A process used by health insurance companies or healthcare providers to determine if a prescribed treatment, medication, or medical procedure is necessary and appropriate before it can be approved for coverage.

What is a prior authorization?


Gun Lake Tribal Government desires to employ it's Citizens where and when possible. Employment is a government function that is vitally important to maintaining the integrity of the tribe as a self-governing sovereign nation. The creation of ___ ___ ____ ______ _______ _____ ____ will enable Human Resources to create a Tribal Citizen skills bank, which will assist in matching positions (temporary, seasonal, or permanent) with citizens that have the desired skill sets to fill the vacancy.

What is the Gun Lake Tribal Citizen labor pool?


This type of HR training program focuses on familiarizing new employees with the organization's culture, policies, and job responsibilities.

What is onboarding or orientation training?


Effective employee relations strategies aim to foster strong ____________ among coworkers, promoting teamwork and productivity.

What is camaraderie or interpersonal relationships?


Hire Citizens to enable Adult Work Experience through the Citizen Temporary Pool – Continuation of Objective #2 from FY 2023.

Create Opportunities for Citizen Employment Growth and Success


Any amount of money that is subtracted from an employee's gross earnings (salary or wages) by their employer. These deductions are typically made to cover various expenses or contributions, both mandatory and voluntary, as agreed upon by the employer and the employee.

What is a payroll deduction?


A _________ _______ __________ can be found on the Employment page of the Gun Lake Tribe.

What is pineapple wearing sunglasses?


What does ADP stand for?

Always Designing for People


HR professionals often facilitate ____________ sessions to help employees understand and adapt to changes in the workplace, such as new policies or organizational restructuring.

What are change management or transition training sessions?


Reviving Employee Engagement by Formalizing an Employee Relations Improvement Committee.

Create a Culture where Employees Feel Their Value to the Organization
