The product of the excretory system.
What is urine.
Receptors that monitors pressure in the body.
What are osmoreceptors.
The proteins that speed up chemical reactions.
What are enzymes.
The muscle type that is non-striated.
What are smooth muscles.
The process that bile facilitates and the specific name for that process as it relates to bile (2 answers).
What is physical digestion; emulsification.
The four steps of urine formation.
What is ADH or aldosterone.
A way to describe the impact on an enzyme placed in the wrong environment (ie. pepsin in the small intestine).
What is denatured.
The theory that explains how muscles contract involving actin and myosin.
What is the sliding filament theory.
Filtrate is collected in this structure.
What is the Bowman's Capsule.
The substances that stay in the blood after glomerular filtration. (all three)
What are RBC, blood proteins and platelets.
This accessory organ regulates the release of several enzymes which go on to completed chemical digestion when released to their final destination.
What is the pancreas.
When an ion or compound will bind in the active site of an enzyme, resulting in no reaction.
What is competitive inhibition.
The ion that is released when a neurotransmitter reaches the muscle.
What is Ca+2.
The name of a substance in the digestive system and the blood that aids in regulating pH.
What is the bicarbonate ion.
What is the movement of waste and excess substances from the blood to the nephron.
The name of the body system that manages the voluntary and involuntary contraction of muscles.
What is the nervous system.
The name of the enzymes that complete protein digestion in the small intestine (2).
What are trypsin and erepsin
The type of muscle tissue that resist fatigue due to their high concentration of mitochondria.
What are slow twitch muscle fibres.
The order of structures that filtrate passes through.
What is BC, PT, LofH, DT, CD.
A general description of tubular reabsorption.
What is the movement of beneficial substances from the nephron into the blood.
What is chemical digestion of the human digestive system.
The enzyme that breaks down disaccharides to monosaccharides and the location this happens.
An example of a catabolic reaction in the digestive system.
What is a hydrolysis reaction.