The bible should only be interpreted by members of the clergy.
What are Christians?
Country in Europe where humanism originated.
Each human being, considered on their own, separately from society.
What is individual?
Three characteristics of Renaissance art.
What is perspective, realism, and inspired by Antiquity?
This man founded the Lutheran church.
Who is Martin Luther?
Humans are capable of reason and progress.
What is humanist?
Major historical period when the Renaissance began.
What are the Middle Ages?
The judgment of the merits and faults of a work based on detailed analysis.
What is criticism?
Two consequences of the invention of Gutenberg's printing press.
Reduced cost of books, larger quantities of books, spreading humanist knowledge/ideas.
This man created the Calvinist church.
Who is John Calvin?
Education must be based on the development and potential of the individual.
What is humanist?
This astronomical theory posits that the sun is at the centre of the universe.
What is heliocentrism?
A cultural and intellectual movement, inspired bu ancient philosophers, that emphasized the human realm and viewed humans as capable of using reason to understand their world and achieve progress.
What is humanism?
Two humanitarian organizations that protect and assist populations in distress based on values such as tolerance and peac.
What are the Red Cross and Doctors without borders?
This man created the Anglican church.
Who is King Henry VIII
God is above all else.
What is Christian
Other countries in Europe where the Renaissance spread in the 16th century (multiple options).
The power to act without constraints, according to one's own principles and ideas.
What is freedom?
The Geneva Conventions are a series of international agreements, that aim to protect certain human rights. Identify a principle protected by these conventions.
The Catholic Church called an important assembly to try and unite Christian churches.
What is the Council of Trent?
Many of these thinkers believe in tolerance and peace.
What are humanists?
Prominent Renaissance humanist (multiple options).
Who is Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Montaigne, Thomas More, Pico de la Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino?
A theory or set of ideas arrived at through reflection and reasoning.
What is philosophy?
The Catholic Church was critisized for the sale of these.
What are Indulgences?
The beginning of the Protestant movement was known as this.
What is the Reformation?