Terms 2
Fill in the blank
Double Jeopardy!
(earn twice as much as the amount)

Define surplus

an amount of something that is more than is necessary or needed


The study of the Earth’s landforms and natural processes, how they affect humans, and how humans interact with and affect the Earth.



Explain how historians and archaeologists learn about prehistory

Through studying and dating artifacts and fossils, anthropologists and archaeologists have revealed prehistory. This incomplete record shows how the earliest humans developed and how they adapted to make tools, use fire, and survive Ice Age conditions. Early humans also produced art that relates to the human experience *they find artifacts and study them


 A __________ is an area such as the part of a country or the world. There are definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.



Can you describe how agriculture changed the world?

When early humans began farming, they were able to produce enough food that they no longer had to migrate to their food source. This meant they could build permanent structures, and develop villages, towns, and eventually even cities. Closely connected to the rise of settled societies was an increase in population


The practice of learning specific skills in order to do a specific job that is different from the jobs that other people may have



An event that separates two time periods

Date Line


Describe how hunter-gatherers survived during the Old Stone Age? Can you explain how we know these things?

Paleolithic people survived by hunting and gathering. The search for food was their main activity, and it was often difficult. They had to learn which animals to hunt and which plants to eat. Paleolithic people hunted buffalo, bison, wild goats, reindeer, and other animals, depending on where they lived. Along coastal areas, they fished. These early people also gathered wild nuts, berries, fruits, wild grains, and green plants. Also by studying artifacts, the landforms of the region, what is available, etc.


A __________ is a feature on the Earth's surface that is part of the terrain. Mountains, hills, plateaus, and plains are the four major types. Also known as the "shape of the land". 



Can you explain the role of specialization and the development of civilization?

-When people started farming, they could grow more food than they needed to eat. This extra food allowed some people to stop farming and focus on other things, like making tools, building houses, or trading goods. This is called specialization.

-Specialization made people more efficient at what they did. For example, a person who only makes tools will become very good at making tools. This means that they can make more tools in less time.

-Specialization also allowed people to trade goods with each other. For example, a farmer could trade some of their food for tools from the toolmaker. This trade benefited both people, as the farmer got the tools they needed and the toolmaker got the food they needed.

-As people became more specialized, societies became more complex. This led to the development of cities, governments, and other institutions.

In other words, specialization allowed people to do more with less, which led to the development of civilization.


To teach or control a plant or animal in a way that it benefits humans



The practice of giving an item with the expectation of receiving an item of equal value.



Describe the differences between the Old Stone Age and New Stone Age

The Old Stone Age is considered the oldest period of human existence where stones were first used as tools. The New Stone Age, on the other hand, shows a much more advanced way of lifestyle of people with advanced stone tools and permanent settlements


___________ is also known as the Old Stone Age.

Paleolithic Period


Can you define civilization explain the events that lead to the development of it?

-Imagine you and your family live in a small village where everyone knows each other. You grow your own food, hunt for animals, and live in simple houses made of wood or mud. One day, you discover a way to grow more food than you need. This means you can start to trade your extra food with other villages for things you don't have, like tools or jewelry. As more and more people start trading, villages grow bigger and bigger. Eventually, they become cities, with tall buildings, busy markets, and different people from all over. This is the beginning of civilization.

-Civilization is when people start to live together in large groups, with different jobs and rules. They build cities, invent new things, and create art and music. Civilization is what makes us human


The practice of controlling the growth of plants and the breeding and behavior of animals in order to benefit humans



One of the seven large, solid areas of land on Earth



Describe how humans changed from hunter-gatherers to farmers

"Agricultural Revolution", the shift to agriculture from hunting and gathering changed humanity forever. The Neolithic Revolution—also referred to as the Agricultural Revolution—is thought to have begun about 12,000 years ago


___________ is also known as the Neolithic Period. 

New Stone Age


Can you describe how domestication lead to the development of civilization?

-Imagine early humans as nomadic hunters and gatherers, constantly moving from place to place to find food. This lifestyle made it difficult to build permanent settlements or develop complex social structures.

-Then, around 10,000 years ago, humans began to domesticate plants and animals. This means they started to grow their own crops and raise livestock instead of relying solely on hunting and gathering.

-Domestication was a game-changer. With a more reliable food source, humans could settle in one place and form larger communities. This led to the development of villages, towns, and eventually, cities.

-As communities grew, people started to specialize in different tasks. Some became farmers, others became artisans, and still others became traders or leaders. This specialization allowed communities to become more efficient and productive.

-Domestication also led to the development of new technologies. Humans invented tools for farming and irrigation systems to manage water resources. They also learned to breed animals for desirable traits, such as larger size or increased milk production.

-With more people and more resources, communities needed more organized forms of governance. Leaders emerged to maintain order, resolve disputes, and manage resources. This led to the development of laws, social hierarchies, and political systems.

-As communities interacted with each other through trade and cultural exchange, they shared ideas, technologies, and goods. This helped to spread knowledge and innovation, further contributing to the development of civilization.

-In summary, domestication of plants and animals was a major turning point in human history. It allowed humans to settle in one place, specialize in different tasks, develop new technologies, and create more organized forms of governance. These changes laid the foundation for the development of complex civilizations, which continue to shape the world we live in today.


This major turning point in human history allowed humans to settle in one place, specialize in different tasks, develop new technologies, and create more organized forms of government



The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period



Describe how geography influenced the lives of early humans

What is available in that region?? If the geography is near the coast, they would eat fish...if in the mountains they might hunt deer, etc. 

Depending on where the place is, what is available for them to eat, and hunt, (use your class notes also) 


During the ______________ early humans lived in caves or simple huts or tepees and were hunters and gatherers. They used basic stone and bone tools, as well as crude stone axes, for hunting birds and wild animals.

Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Period


Surprise!!! This is worth 1500 points!!!!

Define these terms:









History-The study of the past starting from the time periods when the writing system was introduced and written records were maintained

Artifact: an object made by a human or altered by humans that was culturally or historical interest

Ecofact: also called biofact, is any organic material that has not been altered by humans, but which humans interacted with. 

Excavate: To dig up carefully

Archeology: The study of human history and prehistory through the analysis of artifacts, ecofacts, and places

Prehistory: The study of the past before written records were maintained

Technology: The use of skills and tools to meet practical needs. (Own words: Objects that can be used and abilities that can be learned to help people survive and thrive.)

Hunter-Gatherer: Groups of nomadic people that hunt animals and gather plants to survive.
