Unless Mrs. Mineault tells you otherwise, where should you turn in completed work in the classroom?
Bins on the back tables
7.2 (Grey)
7.3 (Green)
Which there/their/they're should be used in this sentence?
____ was no sign of danger in the desolate landscape, but the travelers still felt anxious.
Define the word "imitation."
Imitation means copying someone or something.
Explain "chronological order."
Chronological order means putting events in the order they happened, from first to last.
What is the name of the special needs program in the classroom on the ramp to the gym?
List three things you can do when you're done early.
List one thing you cannot do when you're done early.
Can: Blue bin, read, draw, write, finish missing work.
Cannot: Talk, play games on the computer
________ is the feeling of excitement, anxiousness or uncertainty about what may happen.
Define the word "gingerly."
Gingerly means being very careful and gentle with what you’re doing.
What are the three indigenous groups we leaned about? Spelling counts.
What time do you have to leave the building at lunchtime? Unless you're in a club or supervised by a teacher?
Name two times in this class you cannot ask to go to the washroom (unless it's an emergency.)
The first 15 mins after lunch
While Mrs. Mineault is at the front teaching
Explain the differences between paraphrasing, plagiarizing and inferring.
Paraphrasing = Rewriting in your own words.
Plagiarizing = Copying without giving credit.
Inferring = Figuring out what’s not directly stated using clues.
Define the word "compensate."
Compensate means to make up for something or fix a problem.
Which four European countries were the main countries exploring? These are also the imperial powers.
France, England, Portugal, Spain
When will you NOT be allowed to listen to music while you work on the computer?
While writing, reading or watching videos like CNN10
Describe where the following items are kept in the classroom: Pencils, Scissors, Sharpies, Construction Paper
Pencils - back tables
Scissors - back shelves
Sharpies - Mrs. Mineault's cabinet or desk
Construction paper - drawers under the microwave
Define each of the following parts of speech:
Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Verbs
Noun: person, place or thing
Adjective: describes a noun
Adverb: describes a verb
Verb: action
Define the word "patronizing"
Patronizing means acting like you’re better or smarter than someone else, even if you don’t say it directly.
On which day and at what time do you have word work every week?
7.2 - Tuesdays at 10:10am
7.3 - Wednesday at 10:10am
What do the different labels mean on the bathroom sign out sheet? P, I, W
P - Partner Work
I - Independent Work
W - Whole group work/instruction
Give three tips for building suspense and tension in your writing.
Add time limits
Don't share all the information up front
Short, snappy sentences
Make the setting eerie
Add cliffhangers
Define the word "rouse".
Rouse means to wake someone up or to make them become active or excited about something.
Draw a diagram of colonization.
Include: the colony, the mother country, what the colony supplies, and what the mother country supplies.
Mrs. Mineault to check drawings :)
What is the name of the Crossing Park librarian? Spelling counts.
Ms. Georgoudis