Reading 1
Reading 2
Writing 1
Writing 2
Social Studies

This is the central underlying idea of a work of literature.

What is theme(motif also acceptable)?


These are the names of the five authors that you have read this year.

What are Sharon G. Flake, Don Miguel Ruiz, Chip and Dan Heath, and George Orwell?


These are the letters known as "vowels" in the English alphabet.

What are the letters A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y?


This is the structure of a basic five paragraph essay.

What is introduction, body, and conclusion?


These are the three branches of the United States federal government.

What are the executive, judicial, and legislative branches?


This is the section of a (typically nonfiction) book that is a more or less detailed alphabetical listing of names, places, and topics along with the numbers of the pages on which they are mentioned or discussed, usually included in or constituting the back matter. 

What is an index?


These are the three general purposes of an author.

What are: to persuade, to inform, to entertain?


These four words, central to the writing process, are known as the "4 Es."

What are evidence, explain, example, elaborate?


This is a term for an exciting or intriguing opening to a piece of writing that obtains and holds the reader's attention.

What is a hook?


This important twentieth century event, occurring at the end of a devastating war, overthrew a major world power in Europe, and inspired the writing of Animal Farm.

What is the Russian Revolution?


These are the six types of conflict in a story.

What are character vs. character, character vs. nature, character vs. self, character vs. society, character vs. technology, and character vs. supernatural?


This is a method educated readers engage in to enhance their learning. It involves marking up the page, writing notes in the margins and marking important parts of the text.

What is annotation?


This is the style of formatting that you are expected to write essays in during high school and/or university.

What is MLA (Modern Language Association)?


These are the three parts of a MUN position paper.

What is: how your country sees the issue, how your country is related to the issue, and what your country wants to pass in its resolution?


This is the total number of amendments in the Constitution of the United States of America.

What is twenty seven?


This are what a reader looks for to identify a work's genre.

What are plot, characters, and setting?


These are the four types of rhetorical devices (these are Greek words).

What are Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and Kairos?


These are the eight parts of speech.

What are noun, verb, pronoun, adverb, preposition, article, adjective, and conjunctions?


This is the rule for when to capitalize a word or words.

What is: capitalize the beginning word of a sentence as well as all proper nouns?


This is the definition of the word "propaganda".

What is "information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. "?


These are three context clues that authors use to help readers define difficult words.

What are: synonym, antonym, example, explanation, semantic, syntactic, picture (any three of these gets credit)?


These are the eight types of figurative language.

What are simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, idiom, and allusion?


This is the rule for differentiating between the pronouns "who" and "whom".

What is: use "who" for the subject of the sentence, use "whom" for the object of the sentence?


This is the rule for creating a compound sentence.

What is: use a coordinating conjunction, OR use a semicolon?


These are the first ten amendments to the US Constitution (Included in the document called "the Bill of Rights").

What are freedom of speech, right to bear arms, prohibition of the non-consensual quartering of soldiers in homes, prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures, right to due process, right to speedy trial, right to jury trial, ban of cruel and unusual punishment, unenumerated rights, rights reserved to states or people?
