The pseduymn the Federalists used when publishing their articles
Brutus and Cato
What is the psydimums the Anti-Federalists used.
A standardized legal system, that became a model for many European nations, replacing outdated feudal laws and establishing principles like equality, before the law and property rights.
What is Napoleonic Code?
The island were Napoleon was raised
What is Corsica?
The historical theory that asserts History is made by a series of great men.
What is the great man theory of History?
John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison
Who were the three authors of the Federalist papers
Anti-Federalist who waw famous for the phrase, "give me liberty or give me death!"
Who was Patrick Henry?
What is eduaction reform
What is the artilery?
Often used as an example for the great man theory of History.
Who is Napoleon?
Protection from foreign dangers, to keep the peace amongst the states, and as a gardian of commerce and other common interests.
A powerful central government that would infringe on state rights.
What was the primary fear expressed by Anti-Federalists regarding the proposed Constitution?
Napolean's conquests and subsequent redrawing of European borders fueled nationalist sentiments and contributed to later revolutionary movements.
That are political impacts?
What is the Sphinx?
The great man that can fit into all of the Great man archetypes.
The federalist paper that argued that special interest competing for power is benifical for the Union.
What is Federalist 10?
Though unsuccessful in preventing ratification, what did the Anti-Federalist Papers ultimately contributted this to the Constitution?
What is the bill of rights?
Napolean revolutionized military tactics by employing the "corps system" and emphasizing rapid movement and aggressive strategies, which had a lasting influence on warfare.
What is Miliatry innovation?
Napoleon reorganized military units into these, in which each consisted of Artillery, Calvary and Infantry
What are Corps?
The Hero as divinity, prophet, poet, priest, man of letters, or king
What are the six archetypes of Great men or Heroes?
The role the Federalist Papers played in this process?
What was to ratify the Constitution of the United States of America?
The Anti-Federalist paper which argued that a large republic would inevitably lead to tyranny by the majority?
What was Brutus no. 1?
Napolean implimented centralized government structures and bureaucratic systems that modernized administration in the territories he controlled.
What are Administrative reformes?
Napolean was one of these three before he became the Emperor
19th century author who postited that Great are born not made.
Who was Tomas Carlyle?