(58 + 2) - 32 = ??
What is 51
3/5 TIMES 7/2 = ??
What is 21/10
929 = ___ + ___ + ___
What is 900 + 20 + 9
(27) DIVIDED BY (-3) = ??
What is -9
0.27 in percent = ??
What is 27%
23 + 12 x 2 = ??
What is 32
-10 DIVIDED BY 4/13 = ??
What is -130/4 (reduced to -65/2 for an extra step)
How do we write 4201 in Scientific Notation?
What is 4.201 x 103
(-6) TIMES (-4) = ??
What is 24
75% in fraction = ??
What is 3/4
(10 - 1)2 + 4 = ??
What is 85
-3/4 TIMES 8/9 = ??
What is -24/36 (reduced to -2/3 for an extra step)
7777 = ___ + ___ + ___ + ___
What is 7000 + 700 + 70 + 7
81 DIVIDED BY 0 = ??
0.012 in percent = ??
90 + (49 - 72) = ??
What is 90
A recipe calls for 2 and a half cups of flour (or 5/2 cups) to make one loaf of banana bread. You want to quadruple the recipe, meaning you want to make 4 batches of banana bread. How much flour will you need?
What is 10 cups of flour
How do we write 51,246 in Scientific Notation?
What is 5.1246 x 104
Miss Martin purchases a $6 Starbucks drink every day before she logs on to the Summer Learning program. By the end of the program, which will be 15 days of teaching, how much will Starbucks have profited from Miss Martins expensive habit?
What is $90! You could say either Miss Martin owes $90 (which if you think about it is negative) OR that Starbucks profits $90 (which if you think about it is positive)
2/5 in decimal = ??
What is 0.4
(45 - 52) - 4 x 5 = ??
What is 0
Miss Mattalo went to a sushi restaurant. The restaurant was open for 7 hours. The restaurant has only one server working at all times, but each server only works for 1.75 hours (or 7/4 hours) a shift. How many shifts are there per day?
What is 4 shifts
How do we write 534 in Exponential Notation?
What is 5x102 + 3x101 + 4x100
Miss Sexsmith went to Canada's Wonderland the other day. When she went on the drop tower, she dropped from 210 feet to 122 feet in 8 seconds. Find the average change in her height while on the ride per second.
What is 11 feet per second
49.5% in decimal = ??
What is 0.495