Geography and Politics
Language and Traditions
People and Inventions
Food and Drinks

How many kilometre of coastline does Hungary have?

0 km


How many characters does the hungarian alphabet contain?



There is a very popular toy invented by Erno Rubik, a Hungarian architect and inventor. What is the name of this toy?

Rubik's Cube


How high is the average alcohol percentage of the Hungarian national drink pálinka?



What are the 3 colors on the Hungarian flag?

Red, White, and Green


How many countries does Hungary border?

7 countries

Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Ukraine, Romania and Slovenia.


Which one of these is an existing Hungarian holiday?

1, monsters scaring away people day

2, kiss a ginger day

3, ride the bus in your underwear day

1, monsters scaring away people day


Hungarians have won Nobel Prizes in every category, except one, what is it?

Peace. They won in physics, chemistry, physiology/medicine, literature, and economic sciences; but not in peace.


What is nokedli or galuska?

1, small dumplings

2, a type of lemonade

3, a sauce made from sour cream

2, small dumplings


Which of the following words means Christmas in Hungarian?

1, Noémi

2, Július

3, Karácsony

3, Karácsony


The biggest freshwater lake in Europe is in Hungary. How is it called?

1, Lake Velence

2, Lake Gyékényes

3, Lake Balaton

4, Lake Tisza

3, Lake Balaton


Which one of these (all existing Hungarian holiday traditions) is taking place at Easter?

1, Burning a human-sized doll.

2, Planting wheat seeds at home. 

3, Sprinkling water on girls.

3, Sprinkling water on girls happens at Easter. (Traditionally it is a symbol of fertility, and girls give hand-painted eggs to boys. Nowadays men use perfumes and girls give chocolate eggs to them.)

(1, Burning a human-sized doll is in February, the doll is made of straw and is paraded through the cities and villages and then burnt at a bonfire, getting rid of all things evil with it;

2, Planting wheat seeds is on December 13; the more it grows and the greener it gets, the richer the next year will be.)


Which one is NOT a Hungarian invention?

1, ballpoint pen

2, hydrogen bomb

3, kerosene lamp

3, kerosene lamp (invented by Ignacy Łukasiewicz,  a Polish pharmacist)

ballpoint pen: László Bíró, a Hungarian newspaper editor 

hydrogen bomb: Ede Teller, a Hungarian-American theoretical physicist and chemical engineer 


What is gyümölcsleves, a typical Hungarian dish?

1, cold sweet summer soup

2, stuffed cabbage

3, layered potatoes

1, cold sweet summer soup ("cold fruit soup")


What does BEIGLI mean?

1, A traditional Hungarian Christmas pastry

2, A kind of dark Belgian chocolate, which is popular in Hungary

3, A title of a Hungarian Carol song

1, A traditional Hungarian Christmas pastry, which is traditionally filled with poppy seeds.


What kind of government does Hungary have?

1, Monarchy

2, Parliamentary democracy

3, Dictatorship

4, Constitutional monarchy

2, Parliamentary democracy


How is rice with peas in Hungary called?

1, bizirizi

2, rizibizi

3, ribizli



Which classical composer was Hungarian?

1, Frederic Chopin

2, Johann Sebastian Bach

3, Ludwig Van Beethoven

4, Franz Liszt

4, Franz Liszt


If you are given "asztali bor" with your goulash, what are you getting?

1, sour cream

2, porter beer

3, table wine

4, spicy red paprika

3, table wine


Tokaj is famous for...

1, wooden houses

2, underground night clubs

3, a specific type of sausage

4, sweet wines

4, sweet wines.


How often are there government elections in Hungary?

Every 4 years.


Which one out of these words is a real Hungarian word?

1, élleletek

2, kotera

3, kenyér

4, cipürgyön

5, nyelőce

6, frukázli

7, szklofobák

3, kenyér


He was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1874. He was a famous illusionist and stunt performer and passed away on Halloween in 1926. What is his name?

Harry Houdini


Somló wines are believed to have magical effects if consumed on the wedding night. What is it?

It is a belief that drinking wines from Somló region on the wedding night helps in conceiving a baby boy.


Hungary has the largest thermal spring culture in the world with how many spas?


(That is roughly 1 spa for every 6,534 people)
