Groundhog Day is celebrated on...
February 2nd
Arranging, deleting, and splicing together shots to make something greater than the sum of the parts.
What is Katniss's outer want?
To protect her sister
Establishing shot
Katniss' hunting partner
What casting choice was wildly criticized by fans of the book in 2012?
What is her favorite band?
Twenty One Pilots
What color do you get when you mix blue and green?
Blue-green (cyan, turquoise)
A technique where one scene abruptly cuts to another for aesthetic, narrative, or emotional purpose.
Smash cut
What is the catalyst of the story?
Prim being chosen for the Hunger Games
Medium Shot
How did Katniss get her first indirect kill(s)?
She dropped the tracker jacker nest
Who gives Katniss the Mockingjay pin?
What is my favorite movie that we have watched in this class?
The Fall
Sliding a camera along a track to get closer to the subject
Dolly or tracking shot
A symobol in the story that signifies rebellion and Katniss' district
Mockinjay Pin
Extreme close up
What is my hobby
What breakfast cereal has been represented by a cartoon toucan mascot since 1963?
Froot Loops
How is a dolly zoom or contra zoom achieved?
Zooming in while dollying out or vice versa
High-angle shot
Who said that there would be a District 12 winner this year, not talking about Peeta?
Peeta's mom
What operation does Peeta have to have after the arena?
His leg must be amputated
What is my favorite color?
What year was Timothee Chalamet born?
A type of edit where two or more actions in distinct locations are edited together into one scene.
Intercut or parallel editing
What sponsor gift does Katniss receive after kissing Peeta?
Point of View
Why is Peeta so good at camoflauge?
He used to ice the cakes at his bakery
What does President Snow smell like?
I have 3 pets. What are they?
2 cats, 1 snake
Who wrote 1984?
George Orwell
If long shots are unsettling, fast shots are ________
Who injured Peeta's leg?
This creates the allusion that two characters are looking at each other
eyeline matching
How does Katniss feel about Peeta?
Conflicted, guilty because of Gale
What is different about Cato's death in the books?
He is attacked by the dogs for hours before Katniss is able to shoot him
What is Airbnb's slogan?
"belong anywhere"
What is the difference between a zoom and a dolly shot?
Zoom: Magnification (mimics staring at a fixed point)
Dolly: Movement (forces audience away from or towards a subject)
Shot reverse shot
When the gamemakers announce that a team can win the games, who is left in the game (besides Katniss and Peeta)?
Cato, Clove, Thresh, "Foxface"
What tragic conversation do Katniss and Peeta have at the end of the book (does not happen in the movie)?
Peeta realizes that Katniss was playing into the romance in order to survive the game, and is very sad.