"You want me for an ally?"
In Chapter 11, how long are the tributes required to stand on the metal circles before the gong begins the Hunger Games?
60 seconds.
to put an end to
"Somehow my fumbling fingers release the buckle and I fall to the ground in a heap..."
Alliteration or Personification
This female character did not survive the "killer wasp" attack.
"My thanks to the people of District Eleven."
At the end of Chapter 16, Katniss successfully destroys the Career's food supplies. How does she do it?
By shooting arrows at a bag of apples, which causes one of them to set off the minefield.
friendly, sociable, or agreeable
"Back, forth, back, forth!
Back, forth, back, forth!
Back, forth, back, forth!"
During Part II of the Hunger Games, which Career Tribute carries a sword and seems to be the leader of the Careers?
"Here is the place where I love you."
Katniss Everdeen.
At the end of Chapter 18, how many players are left in the Hunger Games?
extremely useful; indispensable
extremely useful; indispensable
"Darkness has given me a brief reprieve..."
During Chapter 14, Katniss tells the reader who she wants to win the Hunger Games if she herself can't win. Who is it?
"How different can it be really?"
Gale Hawthorne.
In Chapter 14, Katniss has to deal with killer wasps that were spawned in a lab and whose stings cause hallucinations. What are they called?
tracker jackers
acting or thinking without forethought
"Heaviness infuses my entire body, as if there is liquid led in my veins." [Two types of figurative language.]
Simile & Personification.
After the Career's supplies are blown up, one character stands in the rubble and laughs. Who is it?
"Well, I don't think any of us can blame you. It'd be hard not to fall for that young lady."
Caesar Flickerman.
In Chapter 15, Rue and Katniss share their experiences living in different districts. What district is Rue from, and what are they known for?
District 11, known for agriculture
having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned
"The stampede of feet shakes me from my slumber." [Three types of figurative language.]
Alliteration, Metaphor, Personification
Which character has told Katniss that healers are born, not made?
Ms. Everdeen (her mother)