Her name was called at the District 12 Reaping
Primrose Everdeen
Infer what Katniss and Peeta’s skills and talents will be in the Hunger Games. Use clues from the text to support your answer.
Peeta’s skill will be his strength because he can lift heavy things, like bags of flour. He also has experience with camouflage because of his cake decorating skills. Katniss’ skill will her abilities to shoot a bow and arrow because her time hunting with them
What is the Hob?
The place where the black market is in District 12. People buy and sell illegal products there.
What event caused Katniss' mother to have a breakdown and stop providing for her family.
The death of her husband in a mine explosion.
Describe how Katniss and Peeta made such a great impression at the opening ceremonies of the Hunger Games.
They were dressed in outfits that were on fire and they held hands, both of these things made them stand out to the audience.
He is the only living victor from District 12, a mentor to the new tributes, and a drunk.
Infer why Haymitch feels the need to drink all the time. Use clues from the text to support your answer.
He was once a winner of the Games, and he does not want to remember those times and the killing.
What is the reaping?
The ceremony in which one boy and one girl, ages 12-18, are chosen from each district to participate in the Hunger Games.
What two events occurred when Katniss was 11 and gave her supplies and hope to go on providing for her family.
Peeta gave her bread against his mothers wishes. The following day she saw a dandelion and it reminded her of the time spent gathering and hunting in the woods with her father. It also reminded her spring was on the way and she could soon get her tesserae.
What is the real relationship between Katniss and Gale? What do other people in District 12 think they are?
The real relationship is that they are friends and hunting partners. Other people think they are cousins (related) or they are boyfriend and girlfriend.
District 12’s escort for the tributes. She is from the Capitol.
Effie Trinket
Infer whether Katniss or Peeta will get more sponsors. Use clues from the text to support your answer.
A: Katniss because she has a higher score. Peeta because they feel bad for him because he likes Katniss. Or They will both get many sponsors because they acted like a team, like boyfriend and girlfriend.
What is a tesserae?
A year’s supply of grain and oil for one person; received in return for the additional entry of a child’s name into the reaping
What are the three events leading up to the Hunger Games that help the sponsors decide who they want to sponsor.
The opening ceremonies, The tributes scores from the Gamemakers, and the Interviews
Describe how the Capitol is different than the other districts.
The Capitol is a place of luxury and excess, there is lots of food and no one is poor. The rest of the districts are poorer and all their work supplies the Capitol. The people is other districts are too busy working to worry about looks, but the people in the Capitol where elaborate clothes and wigs, and get lots of plastic surgery.
Name Katniss and Peeta's stylists.
Cinna (Katniss') and Portia (Peeta's)
Infer whether Peeta actually likes Katniss or infer why he might not like her as he states in the interviews. Use clues from the text to support your answer
Peeta may actually like Katniss because he has been consistently kind to her. For example, he gave her bread when her family was starving, covered for her with the Avox, and told Haymitch about all her skills. Or Peeta may actually not like her and maybe set up the entire story to gain more sponsors which is why he asked to train separately after he saw how much higher Katniss’ score was and how much more skilled she was in hunting.
What is an avox?
Someone who is a traitor to the Capitol. Their tongue is cut out and they are enslaved as servants for punishment.
Describe how Katniss knows the avox. Why does she feel guilty?
Katniss and Gale witnessed the capture of her and spearing of the boy, her friend by a Capitol hovercraft one day in the woods.She feels guilty because she should have helped them hide.
What type of tv show are the Hunger Games like in our world?
Reality Television
What is the name for the tributes who are proud to compete in the Games and who have been preparing for the Games their whole lives.
The Career Tributes
Infer why Katniss hides her emotions when she is on camera. Name at least one reason why.Use clues from the text to support your answer
Reasons include: -Does not want to appear weak to any potential sponsors -Does not want to appear weak to the other tributes -Does not want to allow the audience to get to know her or her family because she hates them (or is bitter toward the Capitol audience) -She is a shy, quiet person
What are star-crossed lovers? Give a famous example. Why are Peeta and Katniss star-crossed lovers?
Two people who care immensely for each other but due to their circumstaces cannot be together. The most famous example is Romeo and Juliet. Peeta and Katniss are star-crossed lovers because of their participation in the Games which means they have to kill one another.
What event gains the most response from the audience during the televised interviews?
when Peeta reveals that he likes Katniss
What does the word desensitize mean? How are the citzens of Panem desensitized?
Desensitize means make someone less likely to feel to feel shock or distress at scenes of cruelty, violence, or suffering by overexposure to such images. Citizens of Panem are desensitized to the violence and cruelty in the Hunger Games.