The History of Panem
The Feast
You see a tribute who got a really good training score and is about your age. Would you... A.) Ally with them B.) Go into battle C.) Run the other direction D.) Steal their stuff then run away
The answer is C: You would run the other direction
What is the Cornucopia? A.) A place in the arena where all of the supplies is stored and is in a horn shape B.) A lake C.) A hidden camera D.) A thicket of bushes
The answer is: A, a place in the arena where all of the supplies is stored and is in a horn shape
Why was the Hunger Games created? A.) Because the Capitol hated the districts for being poor B.) Because the districts tried to rebel against the Capitol C.) Because they think it's funny to torture people
The answer is: B, because the districts tried to rebel against the Capitol
You see Foxface jump out from the inside of the Cornucopia, grab her bag and then she darts out into the woods. But your bag is still on the table and you really need it. Do you.... A.) Go after Foxface B.) Grab your bag and run C.) Wait for Clove and attack her D.) None of the above
The answer is: B, Grab your bag and run.
Who's name is called during the reaping? A.) Primrose and Peeta B.) Katniss and Gale C.) Madge and Gale D.) Gale and Peeta
The answer is A, Primrose and Peeta
You are stuck in a tree with the Careers below. A little girl points to tracker jacker nest, motioning for you to saw the branch off. What do you do? A.) Saw off the branch with your knife B.) Climb down away from the tracker jackers and hope that the Careers don't notice you C.) Stay where you are and don't listen to her advice.
The answer is: C, saw off the branch with your knife
Clove is following you and has just throw a knife at you. Do you... A.) Run away and escape into the woods B.) Go back and fight, it will be easier to kill her now C.) Run in front of another tribute so the knife hits them instead D.) None of these things that were stated above
The answer is: A, Run away and escape into the woods
What is the Hunger Games? A.) Where people go on a month long fast B.) Where people go into a tournament where the person who can eat the most, wins C.) Where 24 tributes are to fight to the death in an arena, and end up with one victor in the end D.) All of the above.
The answer is: C, where 24 tributes are to fight to the death in an arena, and end up with one victor in the end
Where is the feast? A.) At the cornucopia B.) At the lake C.) In the woods D.) Along the stream
The answer is: A, at the Cornucopia
Who was the boy tribute picked to enter the Hunger Games from District 12? A.) Gale B.) Cato C.) Peeta D.) Primrose
The answer is: C, Peeta
You are now Peeta Mellark. Do you... A.) Play the game by yourself? B.) Team up with the Careers C.) Get a separate alliance? D.) All of the above
The answer is: D, all of the above
Cato crashes through the underbrush and runs straight to us, only he has no weapon. I shoot an arrow at him, but it bounces off. He must have on some sort of body amour. But he runs past us. And as I look behind him, I see a mutt jump up onto the field. Should I... A.) Go to the Cornucopia and climb it, following Cato B.) Go into the woods and climb a tree, getting away from the mutts as fast as possible C.) Fight back the mutts
The answer is: A, go to the Cornucopia and climb it, following Cato
How many tributes are chosen from each district? A.) One girl and one boy B.) 12 girls and 12 boys C.) 6 adults D.) 1 tribute
The answer is A, one girl and one boy
You are Thresh, and you see Katniss trapped by Clove, who is about to kill her, but she is saying that she tried to save Rue, and if he let her kill Katniss, he would feel forever in her debt. Do you... A.) Kill Clove and let Katniss go B.) Let her get killed, it is just one step closer to home C.) Kill them both, then hunt for Cato D.) Live with it and regret it
The answer is: A, Kill Clove and let Katniss go
How is it unfair for people that don't have enough money for food when it comes to the reaping? A.) They have to give up the number of times their name is entered into the reaping for tesserae (grain and oil). B.) They have to put their name into the reaping 10 times for every slice of bread that they need. C.) They have to take out tesserae (grain and oil). For every person they take out tesserae for, their name gets entered once more into the reaping.
The answer is: C, they have to take out tesserae (grain and oil). For every person they take out tesserae for, their name gets entered once more into the reaping.
You are under a tree, trying to save your loved one by joining the vicious, blood-thirsty Careers. Cato, the head of the Careers, is coming back and your loved one is delusional and facing death. Do you... A.) Let Cato kill her, you are a part of their team now B.) Try to hide her in the nearby copses in hopes that Cato won't see her C.) Tell her to go and fight off Cato D.) None of the above
The answer is:C, tell her to go and fight off Cato
You are near the Cornucopia and the gong goes off. You see a bow and arrow, your favorite weapon, but you see Peeta shaking his head, warning you not to get the weapon and get as far away from the Cornucopia as possible. Do you.. A.) Get the bow and arrow and ignore his instructions B.) Follow his instructions and get as far away from the Cornucopia as possible C.) Go into the thick of things and fight so you can get all of the good stuff D.) None of the above
The answer is: B, Follow his instructions and get as far away from the Cornucopia as possible
What is the job of District 12? A.) To mine for coal for the Capitol B.) To create gems C.) To find pearls in coal D.) To make electronics for the Capitol
The answer is: A, to mine for coal for the Capitol
You are now Cato. You see Clove at the feast on top of Katniss and Thresh passes by. Do you... A.) Go and help Clove B.) Stay hidden and hope he doesn't hurt Clove. Also, come back out when he is gone. C.) None of the above
The answer is: B, stay hidden and hope he doesn't hurt Clove. Also, come back out when he is gone.
You are now one of the Careers living in District 2. You are not picked for the Hunger Games from the Reaping. Two people you don't know are picked. Do you... A.) Volunteer as tribute B.) Let them be the tributes and not do anything C.) Congratulate them
The answer is: A, volunteer as tribute
You are faced with death. Do you... A.) Join the people who killed Rue B.) Die with dignity C.) Fight back against the people who killed Rue for revenge D.) Beg for mercy
The answer is: C, fight back against the people who killed Rue for revenge
Cato has Peeta in a headlock and he is slowly cutting off his air. He has marked a x on his hand, but the rest of his body is in amour. Do you.. A.) Push both off the cornucopia to their death and be the victor B.) Shoot Cato's hand and hope that he lets go C.) Wait, then once Peeta is dead, fight Cato D.) None of the he above
The answer is: B, shoot Cato's hand and hope that he lets go
What is Panem? A.) A neighborhood in New York B.) A country divided into 12 districts and the Capitol, the ruler over the 12 districts C.) A monarchy that rules half of the world
The answer is: B, a country divided into 12 districts and the Capitol, the ruler over the 12 districts
You hear Claudius Templesmith announcing the feast where you have the chance to get something that your ally, Peeta, desperately needs. Although, Peeta says that he doesn't want you to go. You received sleeping medication from your mentor, Haymitch. What do you do? A.) Listen to Peeta and watch him die B.) Throw away the sleeping medication and leave Peeta alone to go to the feast C.) Drag Peeta with you over to the feast D.) Give Peeta the sleeping medication by putting it into a berry mush and go to the feast
The answer is: D, give Peeta the sleeping medication by putting it into a berry mush and go to the feast
How does Katniss feel about the reaping? A.) She feels that it is unfair to send kids to fight to the death. B.) She hates it. It is a horror to see people chosen to have to fight to the death. C.) She is angry that the Capitol makes the districts send two people from each district to fight to the death. D.) All of the above.
The answer is: All of the above