What is Alex's favorite fast-food restaurant
What is Brooke's favorite snack
What is Caleb's middle name?
What is Emilio's favorite TV Show
This person was born in Tacoma Washington
If you could live in any movie world, what would you choose? (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Avatar for example)
Star Wars
What is Brooke's birthday?
May 26th 1996
What is Caleb's favorite snack?
If Emilio could live in any world, what would it be? (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Avatar for example)
These TWO in-laws said they wanted to be some sort of Doctor when they grew up. (Doctor and a Veterinarian)
Caleb and Brooke
What is Alex's favorite Hunsaker tradition?
Going to Star Valley
What is Brooke and Stephen's anniversary? (Date and month are accepted)
April 29th, 2017
If Caleb could learn any language, what would it be? (HINT: There are two possible answers)
Danish and Gaelic
What is Emilio's favorite Christmas movie?
Jingle All the Way
This person's favorite cereal is Frosted Flakes
Where was Alex born?
Milwaukee Wisconsin
If Brooke could change into any animal, what would it be?
If Caleb could live in any movie world, what would it be? (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Avatar, for example)
Dungeons and Dragons
What is Emilio's favorite Hunsaker tradition
Bear Lake
What is Alex's favorite game (card/board or family game)
What is Brooke's favorite "Hunsaker" tradition
Christmas Morning
If Caleb could meet anyone from history, who would it be?
Leonardo DaVinci
What is Emilio's favorite Hunsaker meal
What instrument would each in law learn (200 points per correct, 1000 for all)
Alex- Electric Guitar
Caleb- Banjo
Emilio- Cello