Who was the leader of the Federalist party?
Alexander Hamilton
What is impeachment
The process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official
What are the two types of bills?
Public and private
What is barring the press from publishing certain details about an upcoming murder trial
Give an example of a one party system
Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, China, Russia, etc
Where was the first democracy at?
How many senators do each state get
How much money an individual donor can give to a political candidate.
What did the 14th amendment do?
Equal protection of the laws
What are favors given as a reward to loyal party members?
Who came up with the idea of separation of government.
Charles-Louis de Montesquieu
If a bill is vetoed how can it still become a law?
what is a long speech meant to delay a vote until the bill is changed or “dies"
What are the 5 rights from the first amendment?
Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Petition
What did the Magna Carta do?
Limited the power of the king over the nobles, but did nothing for the common people.
Who is currently leader of the Senate?
J.D. Vance
What are three of the 8 key functions of a political party?
Electing Candidates, Educating the Public, Involving the People in the Political Process, Operating the Government, Dispensing Patronage, Developing and Implementing Policy, Government Watchdogs, Providing Stability
What are 3 things that The Gun Control Act of 1968 did?
Limits who can buy guns, regulates where guns can be bought and sold, and sets penalties for criminals using guns in violent crimes and drug trafficking.
How many amendments are there?
Who were two of the philosophers that helped inspired the writers of the constitution?
Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau
What two principles of law did McCulloch v. Maryland establish?
implied powers and federal supremacy
What is the watchdog party and what do they do?
The party not in power and they criticize the leading party
What was the Supreme Court case where 4 men burnt their draft cards.
US vs O’brien
How many electoral votes does SC have?