A Date to Remember
Just for Fun
Growing up Hunter
Grand and Great
Golden Years
September 3, 1955
what is the date of Don and Sylvia's wedding
Don and Sylvia's CB handles?
What is Turtle Streaker and Turtle Chaser. how did you come up with these?
the Favorite camping spot growing up and extra points for the store where we went shopping.
Where is St. Malo. And what is the Coop. we always had to find a drive through camping site. What about the day MOM burned her leg on exhaust of mini bike?
Name in order of age the grandchildren of Don and Sylvia
Curtis Bryan Danielle and Austin
the place that Don and Sylvia spend every winter and where is their dentist?
Where is Yuma and Mexico. i hear that the prices are much better for dentists and glasses there?
What is the day of Sylvia's birthday
What is January 15. she is the younger of 3 children.
The family dog's name growing up.
What is Ceasar. A female terrier. Why the name for a girl?
the hunter child that ran away with the dog several times?
Who is Jim. Where were you going Jim?
the number of Austin's race car?
What is 44. this was also the number that JIm raced under as well.
The name of Don and Sylvia's motor home.
Myrtle or Murtle. Named for a Turtle? what other innate objects have you named?
The names of family members with a birthday in December
Who is Bryan - Dec 17, Reginald Dec 1 and Jean Dec 8
The clothing item that Sylvia attached to the car attune as a flag for Don going down the highway during a car trip east?
What is a diaper. Can you tell us a bit about that trip?
The address of the first home in Winnipeg.
What is Kirkfeild Street. Jim do you remember that MOM put you on a dog leash so you did not get lost in the way to the big city?
Who was the relative named after royalty?
Who is Aunty Queen. She was quite a pioneer in her days. Lesley told her first grade class that the song " God save the Queen" was about her great aunt.
the place that Don and Sylvia went for their 50th wedding anniversary
Where is Alaskan Cruise
the Month of the year where there are the most family weddings or anniversaries
August Nellie and Reg 1926/ Gaylene and Jim 1984/ Melissa and Curtis 2005
What did Reginald Bassett get reprimanded for while he was guarding prisoners in WW2?
What is leaving his gun to go get his picture taken.
The favourite colour in the Hunter Family
What is Reimer Green. Sylvia always repurposed all Don's old uniforms for new duds for Jim. Remember that beanie cap with the button not the top and the elastic around the chin? Were the pant itchy?
The name of the relative that was smuggled into a country under the skirts of another?
Mom or Barb can you fill us in on this story? What about when Reg and Nellie came to Canada?
The names of the Don and Sylvia's Great grand children.
Sadie and Sawyer. What is Sawyer's middle name and who is he named after?
the Hunter Child that could not wait to be born on the 16th? Where was Don when this child was born?
Who is Mark - April 15. please tell us dad where you were.
the property that was adjacent to the Hunter farm that was the talk of the town.
What is the Pushlinch Nudist Colony? Didn't Uncle Bruce go to collect golf balls there?
The Hunter child who was in trouble for driving underage?
Who is Jim. Can you tell us about the time that you got the van stuck in the yard? What else happened?
The recognition that Don received for his safe driving record. What recognition was given to a part of his truck for lasting so long.
Please tell us DAD! we were so proud!
What was Don doing on the morning of his wedding? What was he doing on the morning of his 60th wedding anniversary party?
Tell us please