“In the beginning God created the heavens and the _______.”
I am the firstborn of all creation
How long did it take for Noah to build the Ark?
50 Years
I hit and Egyptian so hard that they died, who am I?
I ate the forbidden fruit first
Why did Jehovah put the two angels at the entrance of the garden of Eden after Adam and Eve sinned?
What was one of Adams jobs?
Name the animals
Have children
What was the first disaster Satan caused to Job
He sent the Sabeans to steal Job's cattle and donkeys
Man, I couldn't believe Moses took us out of Egypt...we were running for our lives and then..you wouldn't believe it...Moses took us to the Red Sea at night! We couldn't even see! And then this happened
The Red Sea opened and we walked across on dry ground.
He then presented the tribute to ____ the king of Moʹab. Now ____ was a very fat man.
Why was Cain jealous of Abel?
Jehovah was happy with Abel’s offering, but he was not happy with Cain’s.
I'm a really really bad angel
I was the only person who could talk to Jehovah at the mountain top
Korah would not stop talking..he kept talking about how Moses didn't know what he was talking about..he told him that we had had enough of him! And why should we listen to him..but then Jehovah had to make it clear that he was still with Moses so he did this
Caused the ground to swallow up Korah
I had to take a bite after she did
Was flood that happened in Noah's day the first time it ever rained?
What was the sign that Jehovah used as a promise that he would never cause a flood to destroy everything on earth again?
I couldn't believe my donkey spoke to me
I was just laying down relaxing with Delilah. I passed out and then she grabbed a knife and did this..
Cut my hair
Jesus was so mad that this tree didn't produce anything
Fig Tree
My brothers sold me into slavery
I shouldn't have turned around
Lot's wife
I could not believe that it was my daughter that ran out of the house
We were scared..they had a literal giant fighting for them...there was nothing we could do but then this little red headed kid came to bring food for his brothers..which was nice but then he said he would fight him..we all laughed but he was serious...and if you could see the look in his eyes you would never forget it..so we gave him some armor that didn't fit and he walked out to that giant and did this
Jehovah made this for the Israelites to eat each day