How many degrees are there on a compass?
360 degrees
How much hunters orange must a hunter legally wear in Louisiana while deer hunting?
400 Square Inches
What is the smallest duck?
Greenwing Teal
What is the heart of the firearm?
The Action
What is the number 1 rule in hunters' safety?
Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction
_____ Lines connect points on a specific elevation?
What are the 3 general types of public hunting land?
State WMA, Federal Refuges, National Forest
What is the largest upland game bird in the U.S?
Where does the heat escape from the body the fastest?q
The Head
What component is found in shotgun ammo but not riffle ammo?
The scale on a map shows the relation of _____ and the distance on the map?
Ground Distance
The most effective shots are delivered to an animal's what?
Vital Organs
How much does a baby moose weigh?
30 pounds
A responsible hunter learns to shoot both ___ and ___ before the hunt?
Safely & Accurately
How many acres are there in a Section of Land?
_____ occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it?
Animals that crew their cud are?
With a fire, a person can do what?
Warm themselves, cook, signal for help, and dry wet clothing.
How much does a whitetail fawn weigh?
The adjustable rings on a compass are called what?
Azimuth rings
What causes the majority of ATV accidents?
When riders encounter an unexpected obstacle.
Do all cloven hooved animals have four stomach cpmpartments?
The first necessary in survival situation is to ______
Administer first aid
What is Carrying Capacity?
The number of animals the habitat can support all year long.