A series of laws and policies enacted across the South to restrict the rights and progress of Black Americans.
Jim Crow Laws
Acquiring this land from France doubled the size of America.
Louisiana Purchase
The belief that the rights of people born in America should be prioritized over immigrants.
American settlers killed tens of millions of these animals that were an essential food supply for the Great Plains Indigenous populations.
This document established the colonies as separate and free from British rule.
Declaration of Independence
This law required Northern States to return escaped slaves to their Southern plantations, or face heavy fines and jail time.
Fugitive Slave Act
This development created a more interconnected United States and allowed for faster travel.
Transcontinental RailRoad
This Act established quotas that limited the number of immigrants from Eastern European Countries.
Immigration Act of 1924
The forced removal of Native Americans from Southeastern states to reservation land in “Indian Territory.” This most notably targeted the Cherokee.
Trail of Tears
This term is the political word for leaving a country, usually followed by the creation of another country or state.
This policy established under the Kansas-Nebraska Act caused disagreements and fighting over whether or not Kansas would enter the Union as a free state.
Popular Sovereignty
Thomas Jefferson sent these two explorers to chart the western territories and to establish good relations with natives.
Lewis & Clark
One of these acts prohibited immigrants from visiting their home country once they had come to the United States.
Chinese Exclusion Acts
The cost of this war caused Britain to increase taxation of the colonies.
The French and Indian War
This pamphlet inspired the colonists to declare independence from the “small island” that was oceans away.
This agreement prohibited slavery north of the 36 degree 30 minutes north parallel.
Missouri Compromise
A series of laws that were passed in the late 1700s to regulate the settlement of Americans in the Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley Regions.
Northwest Ordinances
When a bomb exploded at this protest, anti-immigrant sentiment spiked due to false accusations.
Haymarket Affair
An organized resistance of Indigenous peoples against British rule in the Great Lakes region and the Ohio River Valley resulted in attacks and sieges of British forts.
Pontiac's Rebellion
This event is what ultimately caused the Southern states to separate from the North as they felt that they could not have an equal voice politically.
The name of a slave who was brought to a free state and sued for his freedom. His case was drawn out and brought to the Supreme Court.
Dred Scott
This act allowed for any US Citizen to claim up to 160 acres of land in the Western US provided that they live there for a minimum
Homestead Act of 1862
A set of 4 laws passed in 1798 that limited freedom of speech and allowed the president to deport “any non-citizen they considered dangerous.”
Alien & Sedition Acts
This Act resulted in Native Americans losing more than half of their land as white Americans could buy it if it was “unused.”
The Dawes Act of 1887
This event clarified the weakness of the Articles of Confederation and was the straw that broke the tipping point that caused the United States to write a new constitution.
Daniel Shays' Rebellion