A book by a leading utilitarian on the importance of preserving intellectual freedom. Well known for having a concept shaped like Poseidon's weapon of choice
On Liberty
Owner of a bakery refuses to bake a cake for a gay couple.
Masterpiece cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
Premier and largest national student group aimed at protecting campus free speech
Huskies for Free Speech
Student body president called a white supremacist for arguing for free speech and against defunding police
Mr. Venezuela
Laura Kipniss had her free speech curtailed through which part of University Administration
Title IX
A 17th Century argument by a religious heretic for the free printing of books
Free Speech Requires Being Allowed to Spend Money on Elections. This landmark case (2010) invalidated regulations on corporate and union spending
Citizens United vs. F. E. C
Progressive civil libertarian organization formerly headed by Nadine Strossen
American Civil Liberties Union
Speaker annoyed the Catholic Church in 1633 by encouraging them to look through a telescope. Insisted on a different model of solar system
Galileo Galilei
A strategy designed to make someone feel unwelcome, through attempts to isolate and publicly condemn
A book about free speech on college campuses co-written by the Founders of FIRE. It emphasizes how colleges fail to protect speech, and betray their mission
The Shadow University: The Betrayal of Liberty on America's Campuses
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes claimed protesting war is same as 'falsely shouting fire in a theatre' and created the 'clear and present danger' doctrine
Schenck Vs. US
Most organized and influential Christian legal interest group. Argued 9 Supreme Court Cases. Often promotes student speech, but is heavily conservative.
Alliance Defending Freedom
Fellow was sentenced to drink hemlock smoothie for corrupting the youth, and believing in odd gods.
A concept that many college kids think is against the law but is not
Hate speech
A book outlining the concept of 'liberal science' with an emphasis on impersonal rules and tolerance. Prescient & written by someone at Brookings
Kindly Inquisitors: The New Attacks on Free Thought
First Amendment Rights of Students who were expelled from wearing black armbands to school
Tinker V. Des Moines Independent School District
Organization that stands at the intersection of literature and human rights. Notable members include Margaret Atwood & Neil Gaiman
PEN America
Indian born author made it onto Iran's hit list because he wrote a book that was seen as an irreverent depiction of Muhammad
Salman Rushdie
How do we know that China has free speech? (joke)
No one says otherwise
A book by a psychologist that challenges conventional thinking about morality, political and religion. Moral judgements come not from reason, but from gut feelings, leading to deep divides in culture.
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion
To protect "uninhibited, robust, and wide-open" debate on public leaders. Supreme Court established a standard of actual malice so that it was hard for public officials to seek recourse over defamation.
Sullivan V. New York Times
Organization defended Gitmo prisoners from torture. Works to challenge immigration procedures, corporate abuse, criminalization of dissent, drone killings, government surveillance, religious profiling, and more.
Center for Constitutional Rights
Prominent Soviet dissident who defied the USSR's anti-religious campaign. Later awarded Nobel in literature.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
This show is constantly called dangerous to democracy. This show is seen as profane, and many have been frustrated by what it writes. One child dies in almost every episode
South Park