The author of Two Treatises of Government and believer that all people are endowed with natural rights to life, liberty, and property.
John Locke
What is the belief that knowledge comes from sense experience and the observation in the experience instead of the principles of religion or tradition
a machine that easily separates cotton fibers from the seeds
Bastille, Declaration of the Rights of Man, and The Reign of Terror
French Revolution
Mary Wollstonecraft <3
a belief in natural rights, constitutional government, laissez faire economics, and reduced spending on armies and churches.
classical liberalism
who are the people who were classified as thinkers who explored social, political, and economic theories in newer ways and popularized those concepts in the 17th century?
Roots in European enlightenment philosophy, Declaration of Independence, "unalienable rights"
American Revolution
identified some 810 passions that, when encouraged, would make work more enjoyable and workers less tired.
Charles Fourier
What is the belief of Natural rights, progress, constitutional monarchy, and practical politics of reality. the belief that politics should be based on practical objectives instead of ideals.
Maroons, Toussaint L'Ouverture, a colony rich in French sugar and a coffee colony.
Haitan Revollution
a person who believed that scientists and engineers, working together with businesses, could operate clean, efficient, places to work that produced things useful to society
Henri de Saint-Simon
the desire of Jews to reestablish an independent homeland where their ancestors had lived in the Middle East.
They considered themselves better than the mestizos, born of European ancestry, many were wealthy owners of estates, mines or businesses, and wanted more political power.
Creole Revolutions