Montreal Protocol The Montreal Protocol is an international agreement (treaty) regulating the production and use of CFC's, HCFC’s, halons, methyl chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride entered into force in mid
Depletion of Ozone in the Stratosphere causes
• Increased eye disease
•Skin cancer
•Crop loss
•Reduced marine life
•Increased ground level ozone
To________ is to remove refrigerant in any condition from a system and store it in an approved external container
SNAP stands for
Significant New Alternatives Policy
The production phase-out of CFC's was completed on
December 31, 1995
An Ozone molecule consists of three _______atoms
To _______ is to clean refrigerant for reuse by separating the oil and removing moisture by passing it through one or more filter driers
GWP stands for
Global Warming Potential
Effective _______ HFC-134a must be recovered.
November 15, 1995
The Chlorine atom continues this chain reaction destroying as many as ______ ozone molecules
To _______ is to process refrigerant to a level equal to new product specifications as determined by chemical analysis
CO2 has a GWP of
first certified recovery/recycling equipment in
September 1989.
The _______ in the CFC is the culprit
_______refrigerant is intended for sale and may be used in any application.
What is the term used for replacing a refrigerant?
This component assists in keeping fluid from returning to the compressor through separation of gas and liquids and filtration.
Effective ______ the EPA adopted rulings for recover/recycle equipment where CFC-12 and HFC-134a shares a common refrigerant circuit.
January 29, 1998
Section 609 of the Federal Clean Air Act, as regulated by the
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The EPA has approved the use of two types of equipment________
recover/recycle and recover only
What does ODP stand for?
Ozone Depletion Potential