Who is the Principal?
Mrs. Bowden
Name a bad digital habit?
Checking phone throughout the night, ignoring family and friends, gaming all day and not communicating, being distracted from daily tasks, etc.
What is mental health?
The overall wellness of how you think, behave and manage your feelings
What is Self Care?
Self-care is the practice of individuals looking after their own health.
What does HVAC stand for?
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.
What is the name of your Guidance Counselor at Tech?
Ms. Mitchell
Name some positive effects of social media?
Promoting business, keeping in contact with friends and family, stay informed and updated on current events, professional networking, etc.
A person you can go to on campus if you are concerned about yourself or a friends' mental health?
Ms. Mitchel
Mrs. Wilhelm
Ms. Scott
Why is self care important?
Self Care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of mental illness, and increase your energy.
What is the name of the technical endorsement exam you will take?
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
How many absences can you have per year? How many absences can you have in the 2 year program?
18 per year
36 for the whole program
Name negative effects of social media?
Misinformation, comparison and envy, unrealistic views of other peoples' lives, distraction from other duties, cyberstalking and cyberbullying, decline in face-to-face interaction, etc.
Healthy ways to deal with stressful situations?
Coping skills
True or False: Self Care is NOT one clear, defined thing.
What is the major differences between a heat pump and an air conditioner?
Reversing Valve
A heat pump can heat and cool and an air conditioner can only cool.
How many districts come to Wilson Tech?
18 districts on Long Island
On average, how many hours per day does a teen spend on social media?
4.8 hours
What are two warnings signs that a student might be experiencing mental health struggles?
Trouble Sleeping, Feeling Down/Depressed, Risk Taking Behaviors, Not Eating, Mood Swings, Substance Use, Difficulty Concentrating, Frequent Absences, etc.
Over ____% of teens report using self care methods to manage their mental health.
Over 90% of teens
As an HVAC technician, what settings can you work in?
Residential, Commercial, Schools, Hospitals, etc.
How many programs to we have here at the Dix Hills Campus?
20 programs
What is a Digital Footprint?
The information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity.
70% of employers check interviewer social media before hiring
40% of colleges check student social media before admitting
What is a name of a place or a phone number you can call if you or someone is experiencing a mental health crisis?
988 (24/7 crisis hotline)
Text Got5 to 741-741 (24/7 anonymous hotline)
Long Island Crisis Center
Name some ways that you practice self care?
Exercise, Eating Healthy, Appropriate Sleep, Setting Goals, Staying Connected to Friends/Family, Getting Involved in Extracurriculars, etc.
What are other career options besides HVAC Technician?
Solar Energy Technician, AC Technician, Wind Turbine Technician, HVAC instructor, etc.