List the steps to check in a tour guest (5 steps)
greet them, ask who they are, check them in on VisualZen, confirm how many are in the party, give them welcome packet
How many cups of coffee do you use for pre ground (flavored) coffee?
What is 1 cup
When do you highlight a name on the Admissions 1-on-1 sign up sheet?
Only after it is entered in Admissions Log on the Molly
What is the first thing you do when you come to work?
Clock in. (DOWNSTAIRS)
What is the user ID and password to make a meal pass?
What is GenericID and Liberty01
How long do you bake cookies for and how many go on each tray?
14 minutes and 12 cookies
What is the difference between advising and consulting for online students?
Online advising helps students who are currently taking classes. Online consulting helps students who have not yet started classes.
Can you give someone a meal pass before their 1pm tour?
No, you need to ask Susanne, Shelby or Joy.
prospective student - "I would like to meet with someone about scholarships" How would you handle this and who would you contact?
What is an Admissions Counselor - UG
In the mornings, what should you do before brewing coffee? (2 steps)
Turn the switch in the back on, wait for the green "Go" light
Who do you contact if someone wants to meet about their transfer credits?
Registrar (Michelle Smith)
What are the steps in giving out a parking pass? (3 steps)
Ask if they are a current student or if the are driving a car with a current liberty decal, write the date on the pass, ask what brings them to campus (write reason on the back of the pass)
How do you turn OFF the surface table?
Get the keyboard and mouse from the closet and turn them on, go to the surface and press CRTL, ALT, DLT, and click shut down in the right corner.
Who can access things in the kitchen and use things in the fridge?
Only prospective students and families and guests of the campus can use the kitchen. No one may put their personal things in the fridge or take things out of it.
Where is the Alumni office?
Trick Question-we do not have one.
If you're sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, have you asked yourself if the following has been done?...(6 things)
Make nametags and itineraries, stock closet, inbox, thank you cards, stock brochures on walls, tidy the kitchen
List the steps of how to make a meal pass.
Log into the computer. Make sure you are mapped to the molly. Have excel (use this one) open. Have IDworks open. Log on to IDworks. In excel, copy the next meal pass number that has not been used. Then, in IDworks search bar, paste the number. Take the guests picture and print the card. Back in the Excel sheet, make sure that you mark the date you used the pass, and your initials. Save the excel sheet.
What are the steps in shutting down the kitchen? (8 main steps)
turn off the back switch in the back of the coffee maker, empty and clean all beverage containers, restock sugar, creamer, coffee cups lids and stir sticks, move EVERYTHING off the counter and wipe it down, look for any mugs and put them in the dishwasher and run the dishwasher, check the cookie count, do a look over and make sure the sink is cleaned.
What are the steps of finding out what consultant a guest needs? (3 steps)
ask if they are current or prospective student, undergrad or grad, online or res, (don't forget INT or DOM)
If a guest comes in asking for military affiars, what do you do?
Tell Shelby or Susanne FIRST, if they are not available, contact the military affairs office and have them send a representative to the HWC