Also known as Kalā‘aiheana, the daughter of Piʻilani, she was deified as a moʻo at Mokuʻula in Lāhaina.
Who is Kihawahine?
The moʻo Akua who rules Ukoa pond in Waialua, Oʻahu.
Who is Laniwahine?
The name of Pele’s older sister who drove her to the Hawaiian Islands.
Who is Nāmakaokahaʻi?
Other names that Pele goes by.
Who is Pele-honua-mea and Pele-ʻai-honua?
The name of Lohiʻau’s former lover who challenges Hiʻiaka to a game where Lohi'au is the prize.
Who is Peleʻula?
The largest shark god, thirty fathoms long, king manō of Kauaʻi and Niʻihau.
Who is Kūhaimoana?
A moʻo ʻAumākua who makes her home from Halawa to Honouliuli.
Who is Kane-Kuaʻana?
The name of Pele’s older brother who helped her escape to the Hawaiian Islands?
Who is Kamohoaliʻi?
The name of Pele’s lover she sends Hiʻiaka to retrieve.
Who is Lohiʻau?
The names of Hi'iaka's two companions who accompany her on her journey.
Who are Pā‘ū-o-pala‘a and Wahine‘ōma‘o?
A method when the bones of a deceased family member is preserved and worshiped or dedicated to an akua.
What is Kakuʻai?
A pueo aumakua who the deceased would be dedicated to in order to become a Pueo ʻAumākua.
Who is Kūkauakahi?
The place where Pele’s bones are scattered.
What is Kahikinui?
The name of the moʻo leader of a horde called Mahiki (jumping moʻo) at Mahiki-waena between Waipiʻo and Waimanu Valleys.
Who is Moʻolau?
The name of the chief who catches the ʻuhane (soul) of Lohiʻau and restores him to life
Who is Kānemilohaʻi?
An owl from Maui who brings souls back to life who are wandering on the plains.
Who is Pueonuiakea?
The traditional forms that an ʻAumākua can take on.
What is ʻAlalā (Crow), Manō (Shark), Pueo (Owl), Heʻe (Octopus), Moʻo (Lizard), Puhi (Eel), ʻIole liʻiliʻi (Fieldmice), Peʻelua (Caterpillar), Mea kanu (Plant), and Pōhaku (Rock)?
The name of Pele’s sister’s husband whom she seduced in one version of her origins story.
Who is ʻAukelenuiaʻīkū?
The name of the island where Hi'iaka encounters the moʻo Kikipua, who has taken all the men in the village as her hostages.
What is Moloka'i?
For Kānaka ‘Ōiwi, Pele is revered as these two positions.
What is Akua and kupuna?
The three different ways that an ‘Aumākua may communicate with a person.
What is dreams, speak directly to their relatives, and through a sign or omen?
The second method to create an aumakua is when the bones of a deceased family member is preserved and worshiped/dedicated to an Akua. The deceased would take on this form and be recognized by family through a marking.
What is kakuʻai?
The name of Pele’s ōʻō stick.
What is Pāoa?
The names of the two mo'o who took away Lohiʻau's body when he passed away.
Who are Kilinoe and Kalanamainuʻu?
This craft embodies the two sides of the healing arts: the power to give or restore life through prayer and supplication and the power to take life through similar means.
What is ‘Anā‘anā?