1st Robber Baron
Who is Jay Gould?
Indian political leader who shared MLK's belief in civil disobedience and non-violent protests
Who is Gandhi?
What is a labor union?
1st person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean
Who is Charles Lindbergh?
case that ruled against Plessy's claim that states shouldn't segregate on railroad cars
What is Plessy v Ferguson?
a Muslim who preached a philosophy to pressure the powers that be to surrender civil rights to blacks
Who is Malcom X?
Knights of Labor
What was the 1st important national labor union
1st successful motion film with sound
What is the Jazz Singer?
sit in movement started here
Where is Greensboro, NC?
Financier, Steamship, & Railroad Robber Baron
Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt?
the NAACP protested me because I introduced racial segregation in federal employment
Who is President Wilson?
included skilled and unskilled, male or females, and black or white workers
What is the Knights of Labor?
number of American peoiple enriched by the 1920s "economic boom"
What is only a fraction?
location of Mother Bethel AMEC in 1830
Where is Philadelphia?
Industrialist, philanthropist, and steel magnate
Signed Executive Order 8802 to stop racial discrimination in the US defense industry
Who is FDR?
What is the primary teacher's labor union?
Had started decreasing by mid-1920s
What was the purchasing power in America?
Involved in the movement for women's suffrage and the Equal Rights Movement
Who is Alice Paul?
Organized the sleeping car porters
Who is A. Philip Randolph?
Founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association
Who is Marcus Garvey?
Number of members that the Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO) had by 1850
What is 5 million?
elected President in 1920
"One God! One Aim! One Destiny!"
What is the Universal Negro Improvement Association?