Which prefecture can you find the best tasting apples in Japan?
Aomori Prefecture
Who was the first serious love interest of Phoebe who was a scientist and their relationship ended because he went to Minsk for work?
Name of Star Wars Episode 1
The Phantom Menace
In Breaking Bad, what is Walter White's alias (drug name) when dealing drugs?
What is the world heritage site called at the back of the 1000 yen bill?
Mount Fuji
What's the name of Joey's girlfriend that Chandler was secretly in love with?
Who is the newest Encho Senseii in all of HybridMom and HappyMom schools?
Nasu Senseii
Name of the skyscraper in Die Hard
Nakatomi Plaza
In the Big Bang Theory, what is Sheldon's catchphrase?
How many islands is Japan composed of?
Who was the hot cousin of Monica and Ross?
Cousin Cassie
Name all the HybridMom / HappyMom schools located in Koto-ku
Toyocho / Shinonome / Fukuzumi
Movie where Steven Spielberg won his first Oscar for Best Director
Schindler's List (1994)
The voice of Gossip Girl on the tv show
Kirsten Bell
What is the National flower of Japan?
Sakura / Cherry Blossom
What's the name of Monica and Ross' dog when they were kids?
Who is the youngest Encho?
Honoka Matsumoto
Actor with most total nominations for acting in Oscars
Jack Nicholson (12)
Total number of seasons for the series Modern Family
What is the busiest train station in Japan and in the whole world, with almost 2 million people passing through?
Shinjuku Station
Fake name Joey uses
Ken Adams
What is the slogan / Motto of the company?
All for Parents and Children's smile
The first and only woman of color to win the Oscar for Best Actress
Halle Berry
(Monster's Ball, 2001)
Last name of Chidi in The Good Place (Correct Spelling only)