Face 1
Body 2
Routine 3
Clothing 4
Trivia 5

What does he need to do?

Wipe his face! Whenever you are eating it's always best to have a napkin. Make sure to pack a napkin with your lunch each day if there are no napkins available at your jobsite.


True or False, when your sweat mixes with the germs on your skin it causes body odor. 



The more you do something the more likely it will become a habit and part of your routine. True or False



Wearing wrinkled clothing with a tiny stain on it is ok at some job sites. True or False

False! It's important to be neat and clean on every single job site. 


Germs can survive on your hands for over 3 hours.

True or False

True! Yikes, so wash often!


He is about to go back to work after his lunch break. What did he forget to do?

Check the mirror and for food in his teeth. 


This guys could have used some..

a. Antiperspirant

b. Deodorant 

a. Antiperspirant


What if you forgot to put on deodorant before you left the house?

a. Try not to move around and sweat for the day

b. Thank goodness you have a hygiene kit with you at school that has deodorant in it!

Woohoo for hygiene kits!


If you are not sure what you should be wearing for a certain job site. Where can you look to find out?

Look at your LHTC dress code


Mobile phones carry 10 times more bacteria than toilet seats.

True! You can sanitize your phone with 

Antibacterial wipe: Gently wipe down the phone's screen and outside with an antibacterial wipe. 

Alcohol-based disinfectant pad


It's best to wash your face with warm water and a gentle cleanser. True or False

True! Being gentle with the skin on your face is best. 


Which picture looks like this employee actually took the time to do their hair?

The one on the right. Appearances matter. If you don't care enough to brush your hair, employers might think you will put a similar amount of effort into your work. 


What is missing in this night time routine?

Floss and brush teeth

Check the weather

Lay out clothes for the next day

Go to the bathroom

Get into bed

Make sure to put on clean pajamas every night. This helps to keep your sheets as clean as possible until you wash them. 


If you only wore your t shirt for the day and it's clean and does not smell, you can fold it and put in back in your drawer. 

If you wear something, wash it. You may not be able to smell it, but worn clothes need to be washed. 


What would be dirtier in a hospital room.. the TV remote or the handle of the toilet flusher?

TV kills! University of Arizona researchers determined that television remotes are the worst carriers of bacteria in hospital rooms, worse even than toilet handles. Remotes spread antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus, which contributes to the 90,000 annual deaths from infection acquired in hospitals.


If you have a pimple you should..

a. pop it!

b. gently wash your face and do not pop it. 

b. Gently wash your face and do not pop it as that cases the bacteria to spread and cause more pimples. Plus you could be putting bacteria on your face just by touching it. 


Name 3 times in the day where you would need to wash your hands.

Before you eat, after using the bathroom, after you sneeze, after coming back from the community such as the grocery store, before you cook


Joe and his roommate Ben both need to leave the house by 8 am each day for work. There is only one shower in their apartment and they always seem to be needing it at the same time in the morning. What do they need to do to ensure that that both can get showered and out of the house by 8 am? 

They need to talk and figure out a schedule. Maybe one of them will volunteer to take their shower at night or get up a few minutes earlier. 


How often should you wash your sheets?

a. daily

b. once a month

c. once a week

Once a week! Pick a day of the week to wash them and start a new routine!


The five second rule is true. 

yes or no

There’s no “five-second rule” when it comes to dropping food on the ground. Bacteria need no time at all to contaminate food.


Is this guy ready for work?

He could style his hair and trim down his beard a little. 


You took a long shower in the morning. After dinner you went running at the gym and are so exhausted. You should shower

a. After the gym

b. The next morning, since you are so exhausted.

Always shower after the gym. The sweat will absorb into your sheets and germs can grow.


Rita is always late for work. She wakes up about 1 hour before she has to be at work. She is able to finish her morning routine before she leaves the house (shower, dress ,eat and brush her hair and teeth)  It takes her a half an hour to get to work. What might Rita need to do differently in order to get to work on time?

Wake up earlier! Rita is not leaving herself enough time to drive to work. Sometimes we need t make changes in our routine in order to be successful. 


Jen is excited for her first day at her new job! Is she dressed appropriately? Why or why not?

While she looks very nice, shirts that show your belly are not appropriate for work. 


 What’s cleaner an office desk or a toilet seat?


According to research, about 10 million bacteria live on an unclean and un-sanitized office desk. It is probably more hygienic for you to work from the toilet seat. Shocking, right?
