Hair Care
Body/Skin Care
Myth or Fact?

What is the purpose of shampoo?

It cleans dirt, oil, and product buildup from the hair and scalp.


How long should you wash your hands to kill germs? 

For 2x points: what 2 things are required to be able to kill germs when washing hands?

20 seconds

2x points: soap and warm water. 


How often should you be washing your towels? (shower towel, hand towel, face wash cloth, etc.)

About once a week. 

If you are like Nick from New Girl who once said, "you don't wash a towel, a towel washes you." You are wrong unfortunately. Towels pick up a lot of moisture and often are stored in warm, moist environments which is the perfect place for bacteria and fungi to grow. 


Brushing your hair while it is wet can cause more breakage than if it is dry. (AKA wet hair is more fragile than dry)

Fact, the wetter your hair the easier it is to break it. When brushing wet hair, it is best to use a wide tooth comb or a detangling brush. If neither of those are available, gently start at the ends of your hair and work your way to the roots making sure you are making small strokes to avoid pulling excessively on the hair. 


True or False: Dousing a clothing item in perfume/cologne is an acceptable alternative to washing it if you don't have time. 

False! So, so, SO false. Masking the smell does not mask the bacteria/sweat that has been built up within the article of clothing. Additionally, no matter how much you realistically spray, you will always be able to smell the original stench. Just put it in the wash and find something else to wear, please I beg of you. 


True or False: Washing your hair with hot water can strip it of it's natural oils. 



What are 3 things you should do DAILY to promote good bodily hygiene?

Showering, applying deodorant, brushing your teeth, wearing fresh underclothing, etc. 


How often should you be washing your hair per week?

Every person's hair is different so it really depends, but it should be roughly 2-3 times a week, at very least. 


The more soap you use, the cleaner you will be. 

Myth, using excess soap can actually dry your skin out, making infection more likely. Your body makes natural oils that are actually good for your skin. 


What is the recommended range of hours of sleep a healthy teenager needs per night? For 100 more points, what is one thing that you should avoid right before going to bed?

8-10 hours

Bonus: any form of blue light (cell phones, computers, TV's, etc.)


What is the recommended area of application for both shampoo and conditioner?

Shampoo should be applied to the roots of the hair, gently massaged into the scalp area where most of the dirt and oil accumulate. 

Conditioner should be applied only to the ends of the hair, using it at the roots can cause excess oil and cause premature greasy hair between washes. For shinier and smoother hair, allow the conditioner to sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out. 


Name 3 common causes of acne and then 2 things that can be done to treat it. 

Causes: stress, diet and nutrition, genetics, overproduction of oil, clogged pores, touching the face too much, hormonal changes, bacteria, oily hair etc. 

Treatments: wash your face regularly, moisturizer, avoid touching your face, drink lots of water, eat healthy, get enough sleep, manage stress, etc.


How often should you be washing your face?

1-2 times a day (morning and night) to prevent dirt and oil buildup.


Hand sanitizer can't replace soap and water entirely. 

Fact, while hand sanitizer can get rid of bacteria and germs, soap and water can get rid of some dirt and oils that sanitizer cannot. 


What is the name of the first aid gel that is used on open cuts to prevent infection?

Neosporin or bacitracin


What is it called when your scalp becomes dry and flaky? What are the 2 main causes?

Dandruff, it is what happens when the scalp is too dry or when there is an overproduction of oil. 

There is a range of at home treatments for this including certain shampoos and conditioners.


What is the best way to avoid ingrown hairs?

Shave in the direction of hair growth.


How often should you wash your sheets?

Once a week. This can help with acne, healthy skin in general, and also prevents sickness. 


Eating greasy foods will cause acne.

Myth, greasy foods are not indefinitely linked to acne. If after eating greasy food you do not wipe any excess grease off your face, then there is a chance that it can cause acne. Though, the idea of consuming greasy food does not cause acne in and of itself.  


Lack of this can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.  Getting enough of it is crucial for staying healthy. What is it?



These small, curled hairs can occur when hair grows back into the skin after shaving.

Ingrown Hairs, to remove these grab a pair of tweezers and gently pull at the bump that has formed. Another option is using a gentle exfoliator in that area if it isn't quite ready to be removed.  


Name 9-10 hygienic products that are used exteriorly. 

Body wash, toothpaste, deodorant, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, hand soap, sterile alcohol wipes, sunscreen, mouth wash, hand sanitizer, etc. 


How many minutes of exercise do you need per week?

Around 150 minutes.


You need to moisturize daily, even if you have naturally oily skin. 

Fact, even if it seems counterproductive all skin needs moisturizer. Overly dehydrated skin can sometimes lead to excess oil production so in some cases, moisturizer can actually decrease the amount of oil the body produces. 

Make sure to use an oil free moisturizer if your skin is naturally oily. 


Draw on the whiteboard what MyPlate looks like, including correctly labeling what each are. Give me an example of each of these food groups as well. 
