What is Hygiene?
Personal hygiene is how we take care of our body.
What are the 3 good hygiene habits?
Hand washing, dental hygiene, bathing, hair care/grooming, basic laundry, nail trimming
What are the 2 situations where you should wash your hands?
before eating, after using the restrooms, after returning from school, returning from playing on the playground, after petting a animal, after completing household chores, after sneezing or coughing into hands.
Should you leave your dirty clothes on the floor?
NO! put them in a basket/hamper
What are two things that can happen if you don't shower or take care of your body/face/teeth daily?
You will have body odor, acne breakouts, dead skins can build up causing itchy or dry skins, germs on skin can cause illness, oily hair, cavities
Truth or False? Proper hygiene is one way to prevent sickness
How many times a day should you brush you teeth?
2x -morning and night
What 2 things should you use to wash your hands?
soap and water
How often should you change your clothes?
Should you wear the same clothes you sleep in?
No! never!
Should you pick your nose and wipe it on your clothes?
NO! use a tissue and than wash hands or use hand sanitizer
How often should you take a shower?
everyday or every other day
What is something you should do before and after cooking and handling food?
wash your hands
True or False? Do you need this basic skill when you are a adult?
What do you use for dry hands?
What are 3 examples of hygiene activities?
handwashing, brushing teeth properly, showering
How many times a year should you visit the dentist?
2 times /every 6 months
What parts of your hands should you clean?
hands, fingernails and cuticles
Should young adults help do their laundry?
How often should you cut your fingernails?
Once a week
What else can proper hygiene do for you?
Boost your self-esteem!
True or False? Should you use deodorant every day?
Washing your hands can help what?
the spread of germs
How do you know how much laundry detergent to use?
Read the directions on the package
Name three physical activities you can do to keep your body healthy!