Touching infected surfaces, sneezing, coughing, and more.
How long should you brush your teeth for?
2 minutes!
How long should you wash your hands for?
20 seconds
What are germs?
Germs are tiny, invisible invaders that can enter our body and make us sick.
What are the "germs" on your teeth called?
When should you wash your hands?
Before eating, after using the bathroom, and after you play outside
What types of germs are there?
Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protzoa
How can you get rid of junk between your teeth?
What song can you sing to make sure that you wash your hands for long enough?
Happy birthday! (2 times)
How can you protect yourself from germs?
Wash your hands, use tissues when you sneeze, don't share drinks, and cough in your elbow.
What do dentists put on your teeth to make them strong?
If you don't have soap, what can you use to clean your hands?
How far can a sneeze travel?
6 feet!
What are the wisest teeth in your mouth?
Why is it especially important to wash your hands during the FALL?
It is flu season!