This is where we brush our teeth.
In the bathroom
We do this to our hair every day.
We need these to wash our hands.
soap and water?
We put this on a toothbrush.
We use this to clean our bodies?
We wear these every day and they need to be washed.
Our clothes
True or false: you should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
When do you brush your teeth?
morning & before bed
We use this to clean our hair.
We use this to help us smell fresh.
This is a song you can sing when washing your hands.
Happy Birthday or the alphabet song?
How long should you brush your teeth?
For 2 minutes
We can use this to dry off after a shower.
In the morning, you should make your _________.
This is the kind of water you should use when washing your hands.
Warm water?
Why do we brush our teeth?
keep them clean and healthy
What is another way people can get clean?
True or False: We should leave our toys and clothes on the floor.
These are some times you should wash your hands.
after you use the bathroom, when you come inside, and before you eat or touch your face?