How often should you go to the dentist?
Every 6 months
True or False: Hand sanitizer is enough to clean hands.
False: It may kill germs, but does not wash off dirt, oil, and other nasty things.
As you go through puberty, your body starts making more of which two of these three things?
Sweat and Oil
How often should you shower?
Once per day
How often should you change your socks and underwear?
How often should you brush your teeth?
Twice a day
Name 2 of the 3 times you should always wash your hands
Before meals
After Meals
After using the bathroom
Sweat and Oil being trapped by dirt or other things causes this to form on your skin.
What three items should you use every time you shower?
Body wash/Soap
What do you put in the laundry to clean your clothes?
What can help rinse and kill germs in your mouth and on your toungue?
How long should handwashing take in song form?
About the length it takes to sing the ABC's
What can help you manage the sweat and odor better?
Showering and Deodorant
Cleaner than using your hands
How often should you wash your favorite shirt, sweatshirt, jeans, pants?
Once a week
How often should you floss?
Once per day
Where is one of the most common places to miss while handwashing?
Under fingernails
Why does your body produce more sweat and oil during this time?
How often should you change your washcloth or loofah?
Once a month
What is important to know about your detergent?
Do you have sensitive skin or need to use a special kind
What is the outer layer of your teeth that protects the inside called?
What is the best way to dry your hands?
What 3 parts of your body produce the most sweat?
Armpits, Forehead, Feet
What does body wash/soap, shampoo, and conditioner each do?
Body wash and soap clean dirt, oil, and sweat from your body
Shampoo cleans dirt, oil, and sweat from your hair
Conditioner helps protect your hair from sweat, dirt, and oil
Where will you learn an appreciation for washing machines and dryers?
Iowa History day