Wash wash wash!
Scrub those teeth
Do I smell something?
Sharing is not always Caring
Everything else!

True or false: If I wash my hands with just water and no soap, my hands are just as clean as if I use soap



Brushing your teeth is important, but why do we also floss?

Get rid of build up between teeth that toothbrushes can't get


Some clothes get stinky! How often should you change your underwear? Why should you change it this often?

Once a day, prevent buildup of bacteria/sweat/stink


If you are not feeling well, what are some things you can do to feel better quickly?

Drink lots of water, stay home, eat healthy foods, eat soup, take a warm shower


Your ears are very important for hearing! If you like to listen to music, name one way you could do it safely

Spend less time listening, turn down the volume, etc.


Why do you have to take a shower?

Clean off bacteria, prevent rashes, prevent smelling, wash away germs, wash away dirt


Too much sugar will make your teeth more likely to get cavities because it feeds the bacteria in your mouth. What is one way to get rid of this extra bacteria?

Brushing teeth


You may have noticed that as you are getting older, you are more sweaty than you used to be. Name two ways to feel less sweaty and stinky

Shower, deodorant, wash up, wash hands/face, change clothes, etc.


Do you have a cough? Name two things you should do if you're sick to protect yourself and people around you

Wash hands, stay home, wear a mask


Your nails grow on your fingers and toes. When they get too long, you should trim them! Why should you not rip or bite them?

Causes infections, could be painful, can make you sick, makes your nails grow in wrong.


Name three times you should always wash your hands

before eating, after eating, after playing outside, after using the bathrooom, before cooking, after playing with animals, before touching your face, after you cough


Keeping your mouth clean is important to prevent cavities, which are holes in your teeth. Did you know that bad oral hygene also can make you sick? Name one reason why you brush your teeth

Prevent cavities, clean teeth, make breath smell good, etc.


What is sweat? Why do we sweat?

The bodies way of cooling off. It smells bad becuase it mixes with the bacteria on your skin!


Germs are everywhere! Name one way you could get sick

touching your eyes, nose or mouth, being too close to a person who has a cold


You just fell down and are bleeding! While your cut heals, name something you should do

Wash the cut daily, wear a bandaid, do not pick at the scab, allow it to heal
