this is the item you MUST when washing your body (hint it comes in several forms)
soap or body wash
How often do you put on deodorant?
1x per day
where do you use a brush and paste to make your breath smell good?
Your mouth/ teeth
You sit next to a peer who is smelly, they are an acquaintance.
What can you politely say or do?
quietly move away from them
let them know quietly that they smell
You put this under your armpits to not smell bad, many people reapply during the day
bonus points if you can tell us the other name for this
How often should you shower?
every other day
Where might you get dandruff?
your head/hair/ scalp
your friend (yellow zone) has cake batter on their face while cooking.
Tell us one thing you CAN and CANNOT do
Can- tell them, show them in a mirror
Can't- touch them to get the batter off
Shaving foam or cream
true or false women wash their hair more than men
you could paint these but they should be kept neat and clean with clippers or a file
You forgot to shower last night and have school this morning. What can you do?
try to take a quick shower in the morning
use body wipes
put on deodorant and clean clothes then shower right when you get home from school
What is the product you use on your hair and scalp to keep it clean
put this AM routine in order
go to the bathroom
get dressed in clean clothes
wake up
eat breakfast
go to school
wake up
go to the bathroom
get dressed
eat breakfast
go to school
what body parts might you shave?
face- males
legs- underarms- females
Your friend has eye crusties and a dirty face in the morning. What can you say or do?
let them know
offer them a face wipe
tell them to check their face for dirt
Name 5 other materials you use in any part of hygiene
wash cloth/ poof
nail clippers/ nail file
cologne/ perfume
face wash
toothbrush/tooth paste
I worked out and sweat this afternoon, I already showered this morning
What 3 things should I do?
Shower again, reapply deodorant, put on clean clothes
name 4 areas you must wash with body wash or soap while showering
arms, legs, underarms, genitals, chest, neck, ears, hands, feet, back
It's after lunch, a teacher has bad breath and food stuck in their teeth. What do you do?
Let them know politely
offer them a mint