Sharing food, drink, or chapstick is a great way to share what types of health issues.
Viruses: herpes, mono,
Bacteria: Strep throat, cold
How often should you brush your teeth?
Twice a day for 2 minutes with fluoride toothpaste.
(True or False) Having adequate hygiene habits is a way to be socially responsible through respectable behavior, which decreases personal and public health risks.
True. Poor hygiene increases health risks to self and others. Examples of responsible hygiene include hand washing, minimizing contact when sick, addressing health conditions that are contagious, taking preventative measures to avoid contagious health conditions.
When should you wash your hands?
Before, during, and after preparing food. Before eating food.
Before and after interacting with someone who is ill, caring for a wound, eating out.
After using the bathroom, touching animals, handling garbage, changing diapers, blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. And after getting home.
Wash for 20 seconds with soap and water.
Hygiene refers to practices that prevent the spread of disease causing...
Sharing clothing like hats, tops, bottoms, outerwear, can transmit this health issue.
Lice (including pubic), bed bugs.
Flossing is recommended when?
Before brushing your teeth and at least once a day.
Personal hygiene can impact quality of life in what areas?
Socially: Your ability to make and keep friends, build mutually satisfying romantic relationships, and keep yourself and loved ones safe requires good hygiene.Professionally: Poor hygiene can lead to job loss and slow professional development. The food industry, medical industry, and work with vulnerable populations requires responsible hygiene practices.
(True/False) Showering and bathing should happen every day no matter what.
False: For many it's not necessary to shower or bathe every day. 2-3 times a week is a general guideline. However, during puberty daily washing may be needed due to increase in oil and sweat production. It also depends on your activities during the day. Face can be washed twice a day.
Keep showers/baths short, avoid extremely hot water, and use gentle products.
The main sources of infection in the home are...
People, foods, water, pets, and domestic animals.
True/False: Sharing make-up is fine if you wipe it off.
False: You can spread herpes, pink eye, bacteria (which can cause infection and acne), and common illnesses like colds, flu.
Keep cosmetics in a closed container or cupboard (away from flushing toilets).
Clean brushes regularly.
Pay attention to expiration dates
Don't use testers at the store.
Wash your make up off thoroughly at the end of the day.
True/False: poor dental hygiene can lead to more serious health problems.
True: in addition to gum disease and cavities, poor oral hygiene can lead to oral cancer. It is also inter-related to other health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and increased risk of Alzheimers.
(True/False) Personal hygiene can never be too extreme.
False: Even hygiene practices can be too extreme. When hygiene habits become compulsive they negatively affect an individual. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is often related to hygiene practices that become extreme and significantly impair daily life activities. This can harm relationships, employment, and even cause medical problems.
False: Our bodies are different and require some gender specific care.
Males who have foreskin need to retract and clean this area daily. Males tend to have more body hair and may need to make proper cleaning after a bowel movement a priority. (Both males and females should use soap and water to wash this area during regular bathing/showering)
Females should wipe front to back to avoid infections. Females should wash hands before and after changing period products. Change period products regularly.
Females should avoid using harsh products on the outside of the genitals and avoid products like douches.
The main "highways" for the spread of pathogens in the home are...
Hands, hand/foot contact with surfaces, utensils, cloths.
What are the reasons not to share personal hygiene items like tweezers, razors, nail tools, toothbrushes, etc.
Spreading blood viruses like hepatitis b or c.
Bacteria and fungus which can lead to infection.
True: syphilis, gonorrhea, hepatitis a and b, chlamydia, HPV (warts), HSV (herpes).
This is also a reason not to share toothbrushes.
These items of clothing should be washed after each wear.
Underwear, socks, tights, leggings, active wear.
Items that are visibly soiled or have a noticeable odor.
Items that have come in contact with blood or other bodily fluids.
What are some ways to practice good hygiene with our feet?
Wear clean socks daily, clip toenails, use soap to clean feet most days (if not daily), alternate which shoes you wear if possible, use slip on shoes in communal bath areas like public showers, etc.
Avoid sharing shoes.
(True/False) Pathogens can not be spread by clothing and towels
False: Clothing and household linens/towels can harbor mold, fungus, lice, staph, viruses.
Name a fungus, virus, or bacteria that can be transmitted through surfaces like tanning beds, gym equipment, towels,
Virus: warts.
Bacteria: Staph (including MRSA)
fungus: Athletes foot, jock itch, nail fungus, skin and scalp fungus, ringworm.
Oral hygiene can be elevated by doing additional things like.
Use a tongue scraper most days.
Check for tonsil stones.
Avoid really acidic drinks.
Limit foods and drinks with added sugars.
(True/False) Proper personal hygiene is an important part of mature relationships for both partner's safety and health.
True: Responsible care for yourself is the best way to prevent getting and spreading health issues.
Places to get accurate information about safety and risk in mature relationships are.
Planned parenthood, the CDC, research universities like Harvard.
Places not to get info: social media, friends, even family sometimes, general google searches.
Proper hygiene also includes regular __________
Doctor visits/preventative care.
Name sources of accurate information on hygiene and health.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Planned Parenthood
American Academy of Dermatology Association
Your county's Health Department
Harvard Health
Peer reviewed journals and publications.
Websites ending in .edu, .gov, .mil