Supportive Therapy
Zombie Gums
What is bacteria in the mouth around teeth referred to as
What is a Plaque or Biofilm
What services do Hygienist perform for their patients
What is Supportive Periodontal Therapy. The services include review of medical conditions, medications, overview of radiographs, measurement of periodontal parameters, education, encouragement and clinical debridement of dentition
what is the incidence of gingival recession
What is 80% have more than 1 mm of recession
What is the percentage of your patients that suffer from periodontitis in the US
What is 47% of adult Americans 30 yrs and older (that's about half of your patients 8% mild periodontits 30% moderate periodontitis 8% severe periodontitis
dental implants are successful this percent of the time
What is 97%
How many periodontal pathogens have been identified in human oral biofilm
What are 700 different bacterial species. nearly 300 species have been cultured and found to contribute to the biofilm of the periodontal pocket. P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, and T. forsythia highly associated but not always the cause of active progression. Host is the difference
What is the most important aspect of patient maintenance
What is compliance complete compliance is seen in 1/3 or less of your patients (study by T. Wilson)
What is the etiology of gingival recession
What is undetermined but there are several predisposing factors. *tooth malposition *the anatomic tooth to alveolar bone relationship. *tooth brushing trauma, other trauma *local irritants including plaque and calculus, *iatrogenic restorations, *associated with high frenum attachments *periodontal disease *Even conservative periodontal treatment including scaling and root planing results in some degree of recession. *periodontal surgical procedures utilizing a resective approach may also result in gingival recession. *occlusal trauma
Progression of periodontal disease is indicated best by this
What is No single parameter measured is highly predictive of active or progressive periodontal disease Bleeding Suppuration Pocket depth gingival redness plaque
dental implants are surface treated to help what
What is speed up and increase level of osseous integration
Dental decay is due to the irreversible solubilization of tooth mineral by acid produced by certain bacteria that adhere to the tooth surface in bacterial communities known as dental plaque or biofilm. what bacteria is considered the main cause of tooth decay
What is Streptococcus mutans
What is the measurement of biofilm/plaque in a patients mouth referred to as
What is Plaque score Our office uses the PASS (plaque assessment score system) developed by a friend of mine at UF.
When you can probe past the mucogingival junction
Mucogingival defect
what techniques can you use to identify a MGD
What is roll tech or iodine
dental Implants tend to have this more often
What is deeper periodontal pockets
What systemic condition in the lung can oral bacteria influence and cause further progression
What is pneumonia. Pneumonia together with influenza is a top ten cause of death in the world, and in elderly nursing home residents the leading cause of death.
What is the appropriate interval for supportive periodontal therapy
What is specific to patients disease susceptibility Tailor to your pt needs and risks. it can be anything. 6 months interval picked out of hat, studies show 3 months more appropriate in prevention
What is the modern term for trench mouth
What is Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases (encompasses NUG and NUP) used to be (ANUG and ANUP) Treatment : OHI, SPT, Antibiotic , CHX if smoke stop
smokers are this many times more likely to have moderate to advanced periodontal disease
What is 2.7 more times
dental implants should be probed with this force
What is lighter forces than natural dentition 15g versus 20 - 25 g
How long does it take for a biofilm to form on your teeth?
What is immediately TIME AND RATE OF PLAQUE FORMATION. Plaque formation begins immediately after a tooth surface is cleaned. It takes about 4 to 9 days (average 7 days) for plaque to become fully mature. The rate of plaque formation is affected by diet, age, salivary flow, oral hygiene, tooth alignment, systemic disease and host factors.
what dental unit causes potential interferences with a cardiac pacemaker
What is Cavitron (electromagnetic restrictive unit). should not be within 6 inches from pacemaker, don't drape over chest, is dependent of pacemaker
What methods are available to treat gingival recession
What is Soft tissue grafts (FGG, CTG-autogenous, CTG - Donor, coronally positioned flap)
what instrument is used to measure furcations
What is a nabors probe
most common cause of peri implantitis is
What is residual cement monitor - tissue changes, probing changes, bleeding and suppuration and very important radiographic changes