Does she have Hypertension?
Hypertensive Medications
The facts on MAG
Patient Education

35week G1, P0. Sent from her OB doctor for blood pressure observation. Blood pressures at beginning of pregnancy were 110s-120s/60s-70s. On admission, patient blood pressures are as follows: 145/85; 148/92; 150/88; 138/94. Pt denies HA, epigastric pain or changes in vision. DTRs +2, no clonus, labs WNL.

Does she have gestational hypertension?


This medication is a Beta Blocker used to lower the blood pressure. Initial dose is 20mg IV push over 2 minutes. If BP still elevated after 10 mins, the dose can be doubled. It is contraindicated in patients with history of asthma or first degree heart block.

What is Labetalol?

10% Magnesium Sufate in 100ml solution administered at 4-6 grams given over 20 minutes.

What is the loading dose?


Nurse will educate patient that we may have to limit the number of this while she's being treated for preeclampsia.

What is visitors?


G3, P2 at 38weeks. Prepregnancy blood pressures were 140s/90s. Labs have been WNL. Pt prescribed labetalol 100mg BID. On admission, pt's blood pressures are as follows: 138/85; 140/88; 136/92; 144/90. Pt denies SOB, HA, epigastric pain, or changes in vision. DTRs 1+, no clonus, 2+ edema in lower extremities.

Does she have Chronic Hypertension?


This medication is a vasodilator used to treat severely elevated blood pressures. Initial doses are 5-10mg IV push over 2 minutes. It BP remains elevated after 20mins, a second dose of 10mg may be administered. Side effects include flushing, headache, maternal or fetal tachycardia, palpitations, and uteroplacental insufficiency.

What is Hydralazine?


Magnesium sulfate administration at 1-2 g/hr.

What is the maintenance dose?


Side rails should be raised, lights should be dimmed, and suction and oxygen should be ready at bedside for this precaution.

What is seizure precautions?


G2,P2 induction at 38weeks for gestational hypertension. She had a SVD of a baby boy. Blood pressures in recovery stage are as follows: 135/80, 140/85, 144/90, 150/95 and 148/92). Pt reports having a headache that has been unrelieved with Tylenol. DTRs 3+ with no clonus. Repeat labs show a serum creatinine at 2.5.

Does she have Preeclampsia?


This mediciation is a calcium channel blocker that can be used to treat elevated blood pressures. It is recommended treatment if IV access has not been obtained. Dosage is 10mg PO

What is Nifedipine?


Loss of DTRs, Respiratory rate less than 12/min, output less than 30ml/hr and changes in LOC are all signs of what complication from Mag?

What is Magnesium Toxicity?


Patients should be educated that preeclampsia can still occur up to this amount of time after delivery

What is 6 weeks?


32weeks G1 presents to OBED with complaints of upper abdominal pain since last night. Pt reports feeling nauseated and generally not well. Blood pressures at admission are 150/90, 148/94, 154/102, and 155/96. Labs show H/H; Plts 90,000; AST/ALT 82/128, 3+protein in urine.

Does she have HELLP?

Antihypertensive medications must be given by this time frame for persistent severe range blood pressures.

1 hour


This antidote can be given for magnesium toxicity. 1,000mg in 40mL D5w IV given over 10mins.

What is Calcium gluconate?


Patients with severe preeclampsia should be educated to follow up with their OB doctor within this amount of time after discharge.

What is 72 hours?


Pt presents to OBED with complaints of HA that is unresolved with medication. G3,P2, 37weeks, hx of preeclampsia with last pregnancy. Blood pressures on admission are 165/100, 162/98, 174/96, 170/104. DTRs +3 and clonus is noted in hands. After IV started, patient begins seizing.

Does she have Eclampsia?


This medication is the drug of choice for the prevention of eclampsia.

What is Magnesium Sulfate?


Magnesium Sulfate is contraindicated in patients with this health condition.

What is myasthenia gravis?


Patients should be educated to return to the hospital if they have SOB or trouble breathing, seizures, or more than 2 blood pressures greater than this number.

What is greater than 160/110?
